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Families are divided into 2 types based on the distribution of responsibilities in various areas of family life, such as raising children, financial issues, connections with society (for example, relatives and social institutions), farming, etc. : Eastern and Western. How do they differ? The Eastern family, in a sense, is biologically oriented. Women are involved in raising children and housework, creating a pleasant emotional atmosphere in the house, and men earn money, provide security and communicate with various external institutions. That is, the distribution of responsibilities follows our biological functions, because even in ancient times, women were involved in raising children and preparing food, and men hunted and were responsible for the safety of the group. In such families, it is always clear who is responsible for what. If there is not enough money for clothes for a child, then who is to blame? That's right, husband. If a child does not have clean clothes, then the wife is to blame. The Western model of the family can also be called humanistic. The spouses decide that they are equal and both are responsible for all areas of family life. The child received a bad grade at school, who is to blame? Both. There is not enough money for shoes, who is responsible? Both. Some mixed option is also possible, when some areas are divided between spouses, and some remain common. Or, with a clear division of spheres according to the Eastern model, the wife can also earn money, and the husband can help with the housework, but still the husband is responsible for the money, and the wife is responsible for the household. Psychologist Bogoroditskaya Ekaterina www.on-the-way.ru
