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From the author: If you are interested in the topic of sleep and dreams, then I invite you to my group in contact: There you will find a lot of interesting information about the interpretation of dreams, and you can also sign up for a night therapy group dedicated to sleep and dreams . What is insomnia? This is a sleep disorder that is characterized by either an insufficient amount of sleep (a person sleeps very little) or unsatisfactory quality of sleep (a person sleeps but does not feel well-rested). These phenomena must occur at least three times a week for a month to be considered insomnia. Insomnia is also accompanied by anxiety about the inability to fall asleep or get a good night's sleep. Anxiety haunts a person at night, just before falling asleep, and sometimes during the day. Insomnia can have a variety of reasons: stress, psychological trauma, overwork, poor diet, etc. In total, there are three groups of reasons that cause insomnia: Physiological reasons. Various types of diseases and genetic abnormalities. Psychological reasons. Stress or psychological trauma can cause strong feelings that interfere with normal sleep. External causes. An uncomfortable bed, noise and excess light, uncomfortable room temperature - all this and much more can be the cause of insomnia. Few people think about preventing insomnia, however, it exists. What to do to sleep well? Avoid products containing caffeine and stimulants: coffee, most types of tea, cola, tonic drinks, chocolate and others - shortly before bedtime. Try to have dinner no later than an hour before bedtime. Do not eat food for dinner , containing a large amount of spicy seasonings. Take walks before bed if you have a sedentary job. Sleep on a comfortable, moderately soft, large and flat bed. Avoid reading in bed, computer games, disturbing television programs immediately before bed, etc. ..Always sleep in darkness and silence with the blinds and curtains closed, since in the dark melatonin is more actively produced - a special substance that is a natural sleeping pill and causes rapid relaxation of the body. Go to bed and get up in the morning at the same time (give or take two hours on weekends). Avoid daytime naps. “Am I already insomniac?” Or not yet? How to determine if you suffer from sleep disorders? Insomnia has a number of symptoms: constant complaints of difficulty falling asleep and/or poor quality of sleep; sleep disturbances observed at least 3 times a week for a month; concern about insomnia and its consequences (at night and during the day); physical discomfort caused by unsatisfactory duration and/or quality of sleep. What to do if you find yourself with insomnia? Most people prefer to take pills, but I would advise holding off on sleeping pills. It will help you sleep, but for how long? In insomnia, as in any other disease, it is better to treat the cause rather than get rid of the symptom itself. First, track the moment at which your sleep was disturbed. Insomnia usually does not start immediately. You may have difficulty falling asleep for a while, you may wake up in the middle of the night, etc. It is important to determine not from what time you have been experiencing insomnia, but when specifically your sleep problems began. Secondly, determine the cause of insomnia. Remember when your sleep problems started. What preceded this? Stress at work? Separation from your loved one? Has your daily routine changed? There can be many reasons, it is important to identify them all. Once you have decided on the reasons, you can begin to eliminate not the symptom itself, but what causes it. The cause of insomnia cannot always be overcome alone. For example, excessive anxiety, inability to withstand stress, psychological trauma - a specialist can help you cope with all this. Many people suffer from insomnia, especially in big cities. Unfortunately, this disease and its treatment and prevention are not given due attention. However, insomnia.
