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From the author: A. G. Belyaev, NLP practitioner, coach, highly qualified manager (MBA), director of the consulting company “El Consul” How often do we we feel and hear from the outside: “I’m just torn to pieces! I’m desperately short of time!” Here is a career, here is a family, there is something for the soul. What about health..? Well, yes, well, yes... Neither here nor there... Salvation, perhaps, lies in dividing things into urgent and important, non-urgent and important, into necessary and unnecessary? For example: during the day, do what you should; in the evening - what we like; and on the weekend, if you still have the strength to engage in active recreation, and if not, then think about all this or sleep off, “lay around” without moving? No. Again, there is no internal harmony... Or maybe you need to achieve mastery in playing roles and correctly dividing and marking time: “I invest X% of my time setting goals, planning and Y% executing plans, as a director, and X% of my time I need to be with my family and Y%, as a husband and father, and Z% of my time to devote to my hobby, etc.,?” Again, something is wrong, I don’t quite like it. Trying to apply all these seemingly very reasonable tips and recommendations, you don’t feel whole, there is no feeling of deep inner satisfaction and harmony. You are like a gym in which different areas of your life, like teams, are constantly competing for time and energy. And the longer you ignore one of them, the more intrusively it declares itself and the more it demands attention. Especially if you ignore your health, the disease will quickly knock you off your feet. If you neglect personal relationships for a long time, it can end in divorce. “Forget” about work - your career and finances will suffer. Well, what’s the matter, where is the harmony then, or maybe it’s not possible. After all, many people share these principles and praise these technologies. They continue to juggle all areas of their life like balls, paying attention to each of them separately. They don’t allow their internal beliefs to intersect with business, reassuring themselves with phrases like: “Nothing, you have to be patient, I didn’t invent these rules. It’s nothing personal, it’s just business.” Or maybe there’s something else missing here. Maybe it’s worth looking at it from a different point of view: What if there’s only one “side” in my life, one field, one ball to play with? Just one. There is no need to juggle 10 - 16 different areas of my life and balance on the brink, constantly afraid of receiving a “red card” from life. Just one. How is this possible? It’s very simple if all areas are coordinated and live by the same rules. Then thoughts, emotions, feelings, actions become one and point in one direction, lead along one path. The work is in agreement with the most intimate spiritual values ​​- and I don’t have to forget about them while working, there is no need to make deals with my conscience. Improved health and well-being will also improve personal relationships. By increasing my income, I can do more for those around me. I'm talking about a change in perspective: from one where life is divided into competing areas, to another where they are united. Instead of viewing them as independent, look at them as necessarily influencing each other. Can you honestly isolate each part of your life into something separate and separate and think that in this way you will completely solve the problem? Can you, if you take poor care of your health, think that this will not affect your career and personal relationships? Do you think that your worries about your personal life will not affect your finances? Can you ignore your moral values ​​in business and hope that there will be no negative consequences? Obviously, all areas of your life influence each other. But the common, standard way to solve problems is still to isolate them. If you have a health problem, it’s still clear - you need to eat right and do exercises. If you have a problem with your career, you need to work harder. But this method doesn't work like thisnecessary, because all parts of life are closely intertwined, regardless of efforts to divide problems into areas and work with them separately. Often the apparent cause of a problem is not its true cause. If you can't build a healthy relationship, and you try harder and harder to build it, it may not lead to anything. Perhaps the problem is a job that doesn't inspire you, and you pass on this depression and dissatisfaction to everyone you meet. A deeper reason could be that your moral values ​​say you should help people, but you feel like you don't. After that, you change your career to do what you love. She is now in harmony with moral values, and you know that you are helping and creating. Then, out of nowhere, comes your other half, drawn to your passion and commitment to your work. And the energy that personal relationships give you helps your career, improves your finances and gives you more time for your personal life. Stress goes away and health improves. The real reason for the lack of a life partner turned out to be an internal, moral conflict. Everything is closely interconnected. And although it seems that each part of life follows its own rules, they live by the same laws. Each area of ​​life may have a different weight, but the principles that define them are unchanged. Everyone can create universal principles for themselves. And what is interesting is that they are more likely to unite even people among themselves than laws and rules. An example of a universal principle is goodness. The idea of ​​goodness can be included in moral values. Then, if you are kind to your body, your health will improve, and your relationships with your colleagues will improve. You can be kind to your other half and the relationship will become stronger. Being kind to strangers will improve your self-esteem. It doesn't matter in what area of ​​life you apply the principle of goodness. It affects everything. Another universal principle is proactivity, which includes positive action and personal responsibility for results. It doesn’t matter what you apply this rule to: health, personal relationships, emotions, moral values, career, money, etc... Taking responsibility works regardless of the area of ​​life. Cheating is another universal principle. No matter where you use it, the long-term results will be negative. Cheat on your health and pay with illness. Change in your personal life - the price will be distance. Deceive yourself in education - finances will suffer. But a more destructive effect will be the wave effect, because... all these areas are interconnected. Health cheating will ruin your career, relationships, finances, balance and harmony in your life in the long run. You can't cheat yourself in one area of ​​life without consequences for ALL others. So what are these universal principles? Stephen Covey claims that the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People are based on these. I agree that they are a good place to start, but I believe that all these many principles can be boiled down to one: love. Not a passively exciting feeling of love, but an active verb: “to love.” Loving your body turns into “eating right” and “exercising.” Loving your mind means learning new things. Loving others means helping them. To love your job is to work with passion and enthusiasm. Loving your feelings means accepting them and hearing what they are saying. This verb turns into a different action for each area, but the key principles remain the same. Depending on the situation, “to love” can mean “listen”, “help”, “work”, “relax”, “communicate”, etc. When you begin to apply universal principles in every area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, they gradually come into agreement with each other friend. Areas of life change in such a way that from individual parts they are assembled into one harmonious whole. And finally the feeling that different parts are competing for time and attention goes away. Instead, a feeling of inner harmony appears. There comes an understanding that physical exercise is the best thing for health, relationships, andcareer and spiritual life...In every area of ​​life, you can reconcile the current state of affairs with universal principles, get rid of the inconsistent pieces and start with a clean slate. Your job may change slightly, or you may want to start a completely new career. Old relationships may change, or you may end them to start new ones. It depends on how well the outer parts of your life can align with who you really are. Harmony comes when four questions give the same answers: What do you want to do? (desire)What can you do? (opportunity)What should you do? (intention)What do you need to do? (need)When these four areas are aligned, motivation will arise without problems. Thoughts, feelings, actions are balanced when you are aware of your intentions. The boundary between thought and action disappears. Being and doing become one. When you perceive a discrepancy between these four areas and issues, there is usually a tendency to slow down... sometimes to a snail's pace. You feel as if these ideas are being pulled in different directions, and you cannot fully follow them. The mind understands that it is likely that continuing to work hard will be a futile exercise and will not solve the problem of disharmony in life. He knows that now is the time to stop, ask himself about the direction and choose the right path. Just recently, I diligently tried to apply various technologies and various recommendations on time management, principles - SMART when setting goals, paid attention to everything at once: here health, there’s family, there’s work, there’s spiritual life. It seemed like every part of my life played by its own rules. Finally, I started asking myself, is this really the best way to live my life? Do I want to live my life as a collection of different parts, or as one whole? I became very interested in how to live in such a way that there were one rules in life for all areas, including deep spiritual beliefs. This question helped me find the answer to how it is possible for all the different areas of life to become one. This would mean that my business, and my conscience, and my relationships become one. Without feeling torn. To complete this process, I had to make small changes in some areas of my life and major restructuring in others. At first I tried to turn my career around a little, but the disharmony was so great that I decided to take more drastic steps. Other areas of my life were able to adjust much more easily. I no longer have that feeling of separation between different parts of my life. My intentions say: I help people. My capabilities say - I can do this, and write articles, perform, maintain my blog, website, conduct trainings, and sell businesses, and write songs, and go to training and much more. I stopped being torn between focusing on work first, then having fun on the weekends, and thinking about the meaning of life someday later. Work = Play = Love When harmony comes in life, it is as if its different areas fall into new places and create a new whole, a new pattern. The whole is much greater than the sum of its individual parts. Everything gains power: health, relationships, motivation, actions, results, etc. I know that it is usually believed that every area of ​​​​life has its own rules. It is common to separate your spiritual values ​​from your work. Many businesses exist by pretending that universal principles do not exist. Yes, there are NON-universal principles that everyone works in their own zone, but universal principles also influence these principles. I think that internal values ​​are the most important factor for choosing a career and a company. If you have the awareness that you have hidden your most intimate things from yourself, you are unlikely to be able to do this in any area of ​​your life without compromising harmony in all others. Be honest with your inner world if you want to find harmony and live as a single person, and not as a bag of competing pieces. When"
