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From the author: The topic is inspired by numerous topics on the forum, in which the issue of trust in oneself and the world often arises. I share my thoughts on the topic of trust. Yes, basic trust in the world is formed in childhood. Yes, it’s difficult without him in the adult world. Without self-confidence, you cannot become self-confident, you cannot learn to believe in yourself and, accordingly, you cannot achieve a state of love and happiness. Trust is a basic state of life. This is the basis of self-development. What is trust and why is it so important in our lives? Trust. Before faith. Allow faith. Faith is ra's knowledge. Know the joy. Know the joy of the beautiful result of your honest, pure, beautiful actions. BEAUTY gives birth to JOY within you and strengthens your faith. Faith is the knowledge of one's potential as the Creator. Trust is to admit the idea that you or someone else (if your trust is directed towards another person) is able to act honestly, cleanly and beautifully. Trust consists of confidence (in faith) and doubt (fear), 50/50. Trust tune in on faith, to accept the possibility of a beautiful creation. Trust in its essence is feminine passive energy. To get a state of faith: (achieved goals in your life, a state of quality of life) it is necessary to balance trust with responsibility and actions, which are masculine active energies. Faith is a state of harmony, male and female in you. Faith is the basis of knowledge. Without faith there is no knowledge. Knowledge is faith that has proven itself in practice. Knowledge is loyalty, faith is action. After all, life without trust is more like survival. A survival in which people are completely unable to control their lives and enjoy them accordingly. Without trust, you cannot interact well with anyone, you cannot build relationships full of love. Without trust, you cannot build a high-quality business, because trust is delegation (which, by the way, is very poorly developed in our business). It doesn’t matter how old you are, and why your parents didn’t form basic trust in you in the world. Most likely, they themselves were deprived of confidence in life, and they simply had nothing to share with you. You cannot forgive your parents, but you can understand and accept the situation of their ignorance towards you. Most people, unfortunately, lack basic trust in life. What is significant is your desire here and now to learn to trust yourself and the world around you. Why don’t people trust? The fear is that trust makes them vulnerable and will be easy to deceive, so they close themselves off from everyone, including themselves. By locking the doors and windows so that no one can enter their space, people forget that they are depriving themselves of the morning sun, the warm wind, the smell of flowers, the energy of life... The fear of trusting is a game of the mind to which a person becomes a hostage. This game of the mind deprives a person of rationality. But this fear is a secondary manifestation. The basis of distrust is self-hatred, rejection, a minimum amount of love energy within oneself, the inability to hear one’s heart. Distrust is the minimum amount of love energy within a person, it is the mind and heart separated in a person, a bet placed only on the mind (intellect) What to do? How to learn to trust? Self-acceptance. Without him there is no way. The first person you should trust is yourself. Become a Reasonable Man. Reunite the intellect and the heart. Inside you have a heart that sees, that feels, but which has no legs; it can't run. It remains where it was, it beats, waits... one day the intellect will understand and be able to use the eyes of the heart. “Only the heart is vigilant, you cannot see the most important thing with your eyes,” wrote Saint-Exupery. The heart alone knows the whole truth, it is able to use the fears of the mind for your benefit. In the hands of the heart, the intellect becomes reasonable. This is a transformation, a total transformation of energy within you. You go from being a smart guy to being wise. Wisdom is born from the meeting of heart and intellect. And if you learn this art of synchronizing your heartbeat and the work of your intellect, you will find the main key to your happiness. Self-confidence is the ability!
