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How joyful it is when positive changes come in life... How scary it is to change something in your life... How painful it is when something irreparably changes for the worse (even if it only seems terrible now)... Is it possible? life without change? Will life without changes be a “swamp” for you? Maybe the task of life is to change, adapt, apply new qualities to oneself, and so on... How you want to change, but at the same time remain in your favorite comfort zone, where everything is already clear, familiar, nothing causes anxiety... A person is always on the verge of a conflict between the desire for change and the desire to leave everything as it is, maintaining homeostasis. This is probably a conflict characteristic of people living in different time periods, which is why so many books have been written about it (in almost every work the hero faces a challenge, and if you listen to it, he follows the changes, sometimes completely transforming his entire way of life) .Changes can be natural and traumatic. Natural are those that a person expected, assumed that they would happen, and so on, managed to prepare at least a little for them, at least psychologically. Traumatic changes are those that occur suddenly, most often forced, the initiator is the environment, not the individual, so such changes contribute to stress (even positive changes can cause stress). In such cases, in order to avoid deep traumatization or retraumatization, it is important to experience the full range of feelings and emotions that the individual faces, perhaps with the help of a psychologist. And another important point in changes of any kind is the experience of loss. Change always comes after the destruction of the old. And we need to “grieve” about this “old”. To change jobs, you need to part with your old one; to enter into a new relationship, you need to end the previous ones (this will definitely be more environmentally friendly); in order to survive the death of a loved one, you need to mentally let him go, come to terms with death.... There are a lot of examples. And living through a loss has a number of stages that also relate to living through changes: shock, denial, anger, bargaining, sadness, and then the acceptance of the new begins (discovering something new, experimenting with it, and then, in fact, accepting it). Difficulties are experienced by those who are “stuck” at one of the stages, have not lived through it to the end and have not been able to move on to the next one. Then you need help. During periods of crisis in the life of society, changes take hold of many of its members, and often these are traumatic, forced changes. We need to creatively adapt to them, develop flexibility of behavior, while not forgetting to experience the sadness of losing the “old, familiar”".
