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From the author: “If you really want something badly, the whole Universe will contribute to the fulfillment of your desire!” I would like to warn you right away that the article is for those about I don’t want to support those who come to a big city, but the debate on the topic of “they’ve come in large numbers” here. The purpose of the article is to maintain the morale and vitality of those people, especially young boys and girls, who leave their small hometown or village for the capital of their country or metropolis, and do this not just in pursuit of an easy life, but responsibly and consciously as much as possible. as much as possible. Here he (she) is going to go to enroll, study or work in a big, noisy, bright and beautiful city. There may be several reasons for this. All of them are quite simple, understandable and objective.1. In my hometown there are no higher educational institutions or secondary vocational schools of interest. The circumstance is absolutely objective, but not everyone chooses this path; many may refuse to go to full-time study, and if they do, then contacts with the big city are limited to trips to the session.2. There are educational institutions in your hometown or nearby city that might be suitable. In this case, two main groups can be distinguished: some go and enroll, but study close to home, go to their hometown every weekend and, in principle, do not suffer much from the loss of their usual social contacts, and even gain new ones. The other group is highly motivated, ambitious and, let’s say, ideological. This means that if you leave your hometown, then only to a large city, the capital, and if you enroll in this specialty, then only to the leading university in the country and to full-time study in order to become a good specialist.3. When the parents of these children help determine the choice of profession in the capital, guaranteeing financial support and support at the stage of postgraduate employment. Many parents want their beloved child(ren) to have the best possible conditions in life. To achieve this goal, they are ready to pay for their studies, daily expenses, rent, and even the purchase of an apartment or car, if they have the necessary resources.4. The salary level is higher and there are much more job offers in megacities, and this is an objective reality. Tired of the conditions: material, domestic, moral, lack of various opportunities for pastime, etc., in which they lived for a long time, young and very young boys and girls go to look for better conditions. And in principle they find it if there are enough internal resources for these processes.5. And some people want or simply need to radically change their lives. The reasons for this can be very different, and all this can be combined with work, study and personal life. But in all this wonderful prospect of big cities, especially at the initial stage, there is one, but very big “but”: they are strangers here... Faced with this, many plunge into deep, almost unbearable melancholy, apathy and even depression may begin.!) The main thing is not to give up, because you have already taken the first step and started the journey! You had enough courage, intellectual and personal resources, vitality to take risks!!) This is your personal choice and your responsibility for it. But this does not mean that only the cobblestones that you meet along the way are for you, but also the awards and achievements are also your own!!) Communicate more with those who are dear to you! Do not think that you have lost them forever and that you will be intrusive if you take the initiative in communication. Don't even think like that! But remember, it was not they who radically changed their lives, but you, which means then your task is to build new ways of interacting with these people!!) This is a test for any relationship, and the person himself in particular. Distance is a huge obstacle, but not a death sentence! Remember this! This may not be forever! Who knows how life will turn out next.!) Over time, you will become less strangers than/4202/1/
