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We all experience feelings of guilt and this is normal. However, not every feeling of guilt arises for normal reasons. Now, if you accidentally said something unnecessary to your interlocutor during a conversation and noticed that he felt hurt or unpleasant, a feeling of guilt will definitely touch your heart, and you will consider it necessary to apologize. And after you have apologized, the feeling of guilt leaves you, a certain relief comes, reconciliation within yourself with yourself, which returns your inner balance. However, it also happens differently, the person seems to have done nothing, did not say too much, but the feeling of guilt gnaws at him from the very depths of his heart. And here, no matter how much you ask for forgiveness, relief will not come to you and there will be no internal reconciliation with yourself. For example, a mother expressed the following thought to her daughter: “I was thinking, it would be nice for me to go to the zoo with my grandson.” Look at what is going on in her daughter’s head at this moment: “Yes, of course, this is very good, but mom is old, she won’t make it there with her grandson. I have to take her and the child to the zoo today or tomorrow. I have an important deal scheduled for this week, I need to urgently prepare for it. I have absolutely no free time this week. I'm a bad daughter, I can't pay attention to my mother and her desires. I didn't live up to her hopes. I am not able to take care of my mother and fulfill my duty as a daughter.” Of course, after such thoughts, the young woman will be filled with a feeling of guilt, tormenting and tearing her heart. And even if her mother tries to reassure her, saying that she did not intend to go to the zoo this week with her grandson, but was simply thinking out loud, this will further aggravate the condition of her adult daughter, but will not bring relief to the young woman. Because she will consider such words from her mother, a desire to relieve tension, not sincere. And then another round of guilt will come, which sooner or later will lead to an outburst of anger, irritation or aggression on oneself or someone who at that moment happens to be next to the young woman. Such a feeling of guilt cannot be considered healthy, because it is literally not only takes us out of balance, but also destroys our integrity, destroys us from the inside. But that is not all. Overflowing with such a feeling, we begin to experience despair, persecution, the uselessness of our existence, the inability to change anything in our lives, doom. In response to such experiences, a wave of irritation and aggression will rise from the depths of the soul, both towards oneself and towards others. And one day, at the most inopportune moment, this wave will break through all the lines of our internal defense and protection, and then all this will result in some kind of chaos and scandal. And then the feeling of guilt will come again... and so on in a vicious circle again and again. Such a painful feeling of guilt usually arises in our childhood, when for some reason we understand that we cannot feel safe, we feel rejected, we feel that we are not what our parents want us to be. And inside the child, the conviction settles that he is not as good as he should be, not what his parents need. These beliefs cause pain and suffering to the child. And with such internal “capital” it is hardly possible to live carefree and happily. So the child comes up with an excuse for his parents and their actions, because every parent is almost God in the eyes of the child, which means the kindest and most fair, the very, very, very ... By justifying parents, the child suppresses his true feelings, but forms a painful feeling of guilt within himself. For example, a mother promised to play with her child, but then her best friend called her and the mother was so carried away by the conversation with her that she completely forgot about her promise and happily chirped into the phone for 30-40 minutes. And the child was waiting for her, time passed painfully long for him. You yourself know from your life experience that there is nothing harder than waiting and catching up. Mom, having finished the conversation with her friend, remembered that some urgent adult matters awaited her and went
