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From the author: Psychotherapist, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, TV program expert, educational psychologist, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, sexologist, NLP master, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, coach, coach. Let me start by saying that this topic is very complex, interesting and controversial. So much has been said and written about it that it would seem that everyone knows everything. But there are, nevertheless, some interesting points that are never covered anywhere. This is what concerns our internal spaces. Such situations arise when I work with clients. And I, as an experienced psychologist, want to share this with you. For example, an unusual work with a client when she made a journey “deep into herself”, and at the same time connecting something more... (let everyone see their own here). I hope this article will be interesting for you, especially since it is based on real information received from my client. Such trips are sometimes useful to take, they allow you to understand a lot, rethink, and ultimately change your life. So, working with her numerous complex problems, we gradually moved to a slightly different space. And the client found herself... in heaven. But this didn’t make her particularly happy. Looking around, she came to the conclusion that heaven is not a very good place, it is deserted. According to her, this is a place where ascetic Gods live, it’s like a kind of planet. Getting acquainted with the new space further, she came to the conclusion that, according to her feelings, here she could leave everything that stressed her in life. Since this resonated with our work, she understood her problematic condition. Her life was without joy, a kind of ascetic lifestyle. As she said, this condition lives in her at the genetic level, in the subconscious. She felt that she could leave her hardships here, receiving in return the pleasure of life. The client understood something more: that her paradise was not like that, there was no taste for life, no joy. The next problematic state was the topic of an unsettled personal life. This is reflected in the theme of heaven: “everyone there is sexless, there is no love, no passions, excessive rationality.” The negative state that was left had the shape of a ball and symbolized indifference to the world and to men. Then paradise gradually began to transform and became as close as possible to the place that we all know. The client said: “I know for sure that I won’t get here, to the paradise that I created for myself, this is not the place.” In exchange for existence, she received life and the enjoyment of life. But what about hell? It turned out that it was not scary at all, but the people were cruel and greedy. The thought came to me that “to each his own”, everyone did their own thing and was at their own level, repeating the lessons they had not completed. Then she came to an understanding of why she had to free herself - it was a certain meaninglessness of her life: “What is this world for, everyone will die anyway.” This echoed her fear for the life of her daughter and mother. The problematic condition was presented in the form of a noose, which she removed from her neck. Next - despondency, removing this, she received a resource for positive thinking. In the fear of life, it was not the physical but the spiritual aspect that was important. This was symbolized by a certain book of knowledge. And as for the fear of death (she had these two fears, intertwined with each other), here came the understanding that many of us know, but sometimes do not fully realize, that the soul is immortal: “we only move from one state to “other” (client’s words) Next was the fear of illness. It lost its meaning because the realization came that this state is characteristic of the physical body, there is no need to stress yourself out, but you need to live here and now. Next is the knowledge that the Universe is merciful: “ask and you will receive.” The symbol is a cornucopia: “ask and I will give.” After leaving hell, the thought came to her that there was a certain “Space of Goodness.” She will get there by crossing the river of fate. It was now possible for her. Here she will feel the joy of life. Everything will now pass into her “field” - a person can» .
