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Pregnancy and work I have often met expectant mothers who were forced to work many hours a day until the birth. And also stand in traffic jams, having difficulty unloading from the car to get to work. Yes, someone is forced to work, but still we can at least slightly influence this forcedness. Today I will write about what is not useful for an expectant mother. Starting from the ideal picture, take note of what is possible for you. We all have completely different working conditions. With the onset of pregnancy, correction of our behavior at work is often required. This is necessary for the successful course of pregnancy and the good health of mother and baby. Usually, management treats expectant mothers with understanding, although, of course, cases are different. If the administration does not make concessions to you, remember that the law is on your side, and if possible, defend your rights. What is not useful for a pregnant woman? What should she be freed from while she is expecting a baby? Let's find out.🔸 Ideally, the expectant mother should not be busy with night shifts, go on business trips (especially fly on an airplane), work in a hazardous enterprise (in hazardous conditions), or experience heavy physical activity. It is advisable that the working day of the expectant mother does not exceed 6 hours. That is why, depending on your working conditions, you should ask the administration to transfer you to light work in a timely manner (this may depend on the conditions and course of pregnancy, check with your doctor when and what is not indicated for you).🔸 Expectant mothers are contraindicated in work related to lifting weights. If your work involves constantly lifting objects weighing over 3 kg, you need to resolve this issue during pregnancy. Pregnant women cannot work in conditions of high humidity, heat, or heights. Exposure to unfavorable physical factors (electromagnetic fields, high and low temperatures, etc.), chemical factors (substances that have a harmful effect on mother and baby), biological factors (causative agents of infectious, parasitic and fungal diseases) is unacceptable. must work in conditions that require significant emotional stress. The expectant mother is contraindicated in work that involves numerous climbs up stairs and bending below knee level, with the adoption of a forced pose. You should avoid work that requires you to stand on your feet for more than 4 hours without rest. What will your doctor tell you? In addition to the general requirements of working conditions for pregnant women, it is necessary to pay attention to the individual situation and the course of pregnancy!🔸If in the history of the expectant mother there were cases of miscarriage, premature birth, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, heart failure, complications of chronic diseases, bleeding in the third trimester, etc. ., only a doctor can decide when and how much a woman can work. An obstetrician-gynecologist, based on the current condition, can recommend a home regime or a hospital, in difficult cases. Useful selections on the topic: Infertility, miscarriage, IVF. Help for expectant mothers Pregnancy, childbirth, recovery after childbirth 🔸 If you are going through a difficult pregnancy or if you are worried about work, you can help yourself by consulting a psychologist. Most problems can be solved. I wish you a calm pregnancy and a safe birth! Katerina Istratova is a clinical psychologist, author of books. My books about pregnancy and childbirth Help you become a mother! 🧡Record via WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber +7(929) 9020234 +7(916) 4015150
