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How to lean on yourself? To do this you need to know yourself. It is important to know your own size: endurance, patience, ability to work, intelligence and talent... Popular wisdom says: “Take the burden with you so as not to fall when walking.” Imagine that you are a horse. What kind of horse is this? A bull is a heavy truck or a horse carrying a cart of brushwood or a lookout horse with a bow on its tail. If the decoration horse imagines itself to be a tractor, the spine will break quickly. Lara did not know the limits of her own strength. Therefore, I piled 10-15 cases on my fragile shoulders, under the unbearable burden of which I collapsed. The young woman had no idea that she had set herself an impossible task. David, phlegmatic by temperament, expected high-speed movements and reactions from himself. Not getting this, I was disappointed in myself. But the guy had high expectations for himself, and when he didn’t meet them, his self-esteem dropped. The young man found himself hostage to desire, not reality. Pelageya has a family of curvaceous women. The girl dreams of becoming Thumbelina and is starving. Strives to meet fashionable standards of anorexic beauty. The girl disrupted her metabolism and developed an ulcer, but she never became a thin reed. The physique is different. Why doesn't a watermelon strive to become a peach? Every fruit has beauty and purpose. Maybe the tough girl is destined to become a heroine mother. And for the skinny girl to shine on the catwalk. Everyone has their own destiny and task on this earth. Why break God's plan? A teenage girl considers herself a “thick-skinned hippo.” I often wonder why the words and actions of others bring pain. In fact, the devula is a delicate butterfly that is easy to hurt. Adolescence is for this purpose, to get to know yourself. When a girl accepts her true nature, then she will strengthen her boundaries for the purpose of protection. Nellie is a young businesswoman with an owl biorhythm. And the day is planned so that it works in the morning and at lunch. The woman is regularly depressed, with headaches and a bad mood. Why aren't bats forced to hunt during the day? Friends are planning a trip to Europe, planning their own route. The youngest of the girls is a coward and anxiety bombs even before the trip. Take a piece of paper and answer the questions in writing: Are you familiar with your own strengths and weaknesses? What are you gifted with: abilities, inclinations? What have you developed throughout your life and what have you failed? What are the preferences, beliefs and values? Introvert or extrovert? What temperament? Imagine that you are a locality? What kind of terrain is this: plain, mountain, swamp, lake? What kind of bridge are you: wooden, concrete on stilts or suspension? What animal do you associate yourself with: tiger, horse, dog, hare...? What characteristics are similar to this animal, terrain, bridge??
