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I think each of you has ever heard the words - “Yes, he is infantile.” What is infantilism and how does it differ from personality maturity, we will analyze in this article. Infancy is a period when it is impossible to explain what is happening in feelings and sensations. It is normal to be infantile; during infancy, when he does not know how to express his feelings and desires, there are only sensations, and this is truly a difficult period for a child. And it is at this age that the child needs a mother who tunes in to the child and exposes the child’s feelings of need. Feelings that we cannot explain in words, they sit inside us and can torment us. And it is important not only to feel, but also to be able to explain what is happening to you in a way that is clear to you. “Something inside of me that I can explain, but it controls my life” Many of us strive to be emotionally mature, we can, it happens unconsciously, but that’s how we are made, we want to grow up and take responsibility, separate our lives and the lives of others .A mature person is one who can explain to himself and others what is happening to you. And this is already the first step on the path to transformation, this does not mean that there will be no resistance, there will be, and that’s normal. But you already know what is happening to you. You are not bad, you are just changing. A psychologically mature person does not take offense; this function is available to children, and when you are offended, you are in a child’s position. An adult is angry; he expresses his dissatisfaction with words in the moment. And if as a child it was socially frowned upon to be angry at your parents, you have grown up and you can be angry, give yourself permission to do so. What do you feel? The better you know and understand yourself, your reactions and feelings, the fewer people around you will tell you what to do and feel. You just won't fall for it. And reading this article, I want to suggest to you that each of you honestly asked the question “Do I even understand what I feel” and if not, I suggest you start learning this. And this will happen independently and in psychotherapy - it will be a choice towards oneself. Your psychologist, Larisa Degtyar Sign up for a psychological consultation using the link ➔ Sign up
