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Every day we are faced with the need to make decisions. Some of them are easier for us, but thinking about others often makes us experience a whole flurry of internal contradictions. And it seems that the longer we are in the thinking stage, the more we get stuck in it. Why does this happen? 1. Search for absolute certainty (ideal solution). We try to get as close as possible to the only “correct” solution, to choose the ideal path. To choose another = to make a mistake, and which of us likes to experience mistakes? Perhaps the main mistake of this way of thinking is that the ideal path is inherently deceptive. There is no ideal. But there is the most optimal one. That is, the one that, of all the options, suits you most at the current moment in time. The ideal one absolutely does not take into account our capabilities and is hardly achievable in reality.2. Waiting for the right moment. “When A happens, then I will finally B” - I think that this construction is familiar to many. I certainly am! Now imagine that this moment may not happen very soon. Or it may not happen at all. And then will we feel happier in this anticipation? After all, somewhere deep inside we understand that there are no “sterile” circumstances; there is always a risk that something will go wrong. And isn’t it better then to create that very moment yourself, rather than suffer from the imaginary impossibility of realizing yourself now.3. Leaving in anticipation. It’s great to fantasize and dream! This is a great source of inspiration. But, like everything else, there is a flip side to the coin - we do not take into account our real capabilities. We pile ourselves up with so many of our own expectations about what we should succeed that we put off our first steps for as long as possible. Why? Because we expect a big result, ignoring our real capabilities at this moment, and at the same time we are afraid of failure in the future. A realistic position and the theory of small steps allows us to make the process softer and more accessible. And start now.4. Premature actions. For example, you just started thinking about changing jobs, and the very next day you sign a letter of resignation. And now, a few months later, realizing that something is going wrong, you again scroll through job sites in search of a job. Yes, in theory, this action corresponds to the idea of ​​“change something, but it absolutely does not take into account what to do next? Change is good when it makes us qualitatively happier. Only we ourselves know how we can be happier. And it is important to act precisely from this knowledge, and not from a momentary impulse. And if you don’t know what’s best for you, there is always the option to think about it in a therapeutic session 😉. You can sign up for a consultation via TG / WhatsApp by phone number: +7 921 771 -35-30 or on the website: https://marupsy.ru/TG-channel: https://t.me/marugovorit
