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Perhaps at first glance it will seem to you that we are talking about synonyms. At the same time, a competent psychotherapist or psychologist will immediately notice that this is not at all the case. After all, merging is a process in which people literally become completely united. Proximity presupposes that people are separated from each other. Merger is a completely natural process, but only for certain types of relationships and their stages. So, it is quite normal that the mother and the newborn child are in fusion. It is also normal that lovers at the beginning of a relationship strive to be one. But it is also very important to understand that after the fusion stage, in any healthy relationship, the differentiation stage begins. The stage in which people begin to pay attention to differences rather than similarities. Interestingly, in some relationships, the differentiation stage ends in separation. Of course, if the relationship is healthy and constructive, this stage, on the contrary, should emphasize the value of each partner in the relationship. Let's talk about the differences between intimacy and fusion? 1. Merger is only about “we”, while in intimacy “I” and “you” are separated. And this manifests itself in everything, including in everyday life. When a couple is in a state of fusion, the “we” does not reveal the individual interests, aspirations and desires of each partner individually.2. Merger is about manipulation, intimacy is about agreement. In a merger, each participant tries to achieve their goal through illegal actions. Playing on a partner's feelings is how codependent couples live. Within the framework of intimacy, there is no problem in giving in to another of your own free will, and in general not forcing him to do anything.3. Fusion despises differences; in closeness they are valuable. When people live in a merger, their relationship can literally end because one of them believes in horoscopes, and the other does not. In proximity, what could be considered as a disadvantage in a merger is considered as an individual feature.4. Merger is about dependence and fear of loneliness, intimacy is about freedom of choice. In a merger, people infringe on their needs in order not to be left alone. There is nothing more important in intimacy than inner freedom.
