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What is unconditional love like? We hear so much and even talk about unconditional love ourselves. But what is this thing - unconditional love? And when will she cover us with her soft, weightless blanket? Today I conducted another session. And my client gave me a reason to think about unconditional self-love. After all, this is where it all begins. Self-acceptance. Self-love. These words are already so “hackneyed” that somehow I don’t want to say them again. However, today they have acquired a slightly different shade for me. We all come from childhood. Some of us remember him better, others worse. For some it was happy, for others not so much. But each of us finds traces of it in our lives - no matter how old we are. This child is inside each of us right now. This child still manifests itself: sometimes it plays naughty, sometimes it gets angry, sometimes it resists, sometimes it resists, sometimes it gets offended and cries. And the most important thing is that, just like then, many years ago, in our real childhood, he needs attention, care, understanding, acceptance, affection, love... Only now not from our parents, but from ourselves. Perhaps this will seem to some ridiculous - like, for example, my client. However, this does not change the fact that in order to harmonize your relationship with yourself, you need to become a good parent for your inner child. But first it would be nice to get to know him. You don't need much for this. You just need to acknowledge this childish part of yourself. It is he, our inner child, who gets offended over trifles, gets angry when we are not given “proper” attention, is capricious and upset when we don’t get what we want. Most of all our stereotypical, automatic reactions are his reactions. These are the reactions that we learned once in childhood. At different points in our adult lives, we can observe manifestations of our inner child at different ages. Then he is 5 years old and he is strenuously striving for independence, being offended when someone restricts his freedom. Then suddenly he is 3 years old and he is ready to kick his legs because he did not receive such a long-awaited and desired toy. So what does he want? He needs very simple and unpretentious things: attention, recognition, care, protection, acceptance, understanding, support, love. Once upon a time we did not receive all this in our childhood. And it doesn’t matter at all how it was filled with events, what matters is what emotional and psychological trace these events left. Of course, the past cannot be changed and the adults who are significant to us from our childhood will not be able to satisfy our deficit needs. Yes, and this is not necessary. After all, now from the position of an adult, strong person, we ourselves are quite capable of giving our inner child everything he wants and needs. The most important thing is to finally look in his direction, see him and get to know him. To get to know your inner child, you can do the following meditation. Provide yourself a quiet, peaceful place. Meditation can be done while sitting or lying down. (Just don’t fall asleep!))) Feel your entire body. Relax your body. Bring your focus to your breath. Breathe calmly and relaxed. Dive inside yourself, leaving all your worries and troubles at the door. Imagine yourself walking in some place unfamiliar to you. This place is very beautiful and safe. Maybe this is a meadow outlined by the edge of the forest. Maybe it's the seashore. Maybe it's a limitless field of wheat. It doesn't matter what picture you see. This picture is exclusively yours, and you feel confident and safe in it. Now imagine that a child is running towards you from afar. And you also go to meet him. The child is approaching. And you will recognize yourself as a small child in this child. How old is this child? What does he look like? What are you wearing? What condition is he in? Dive as deeply as possible into a state of connection and communication with this little person. You can talk to him, find out from him what he wants. He may want everything!
