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What NOT to do if the child eats poorly. And what generally NOT to do when the child is eating. Do not take into account the child’s tastes, give something that the child does not like (knowing that he does not eat it or eats poorly). Drag the child to the table if he is busy, force him to sit down and force him to eat. It is absolutely forbidden to feed the child in front of the TV! Forcing the child to finish eating until the end, if he has already eaten enough and doesn’t want any more. You shouldn’t rush the child either. There is no need to say: “Eat quickly, eat quickly.” There is no need to give the child more than he can eat! Bribe the child, for example: “Eat all the porridge - I’ll buy the toy you asked for.” Scare the child that he will be weak, small and thin. As a result, he can really be very frightened. Compare the child with someone else, telling him that he is a “mumbler”, that he eats slower than everyone else. Also, if the child eats poorly and is capricious, there is no need to do a stand “on ears" and organize a theatrical performance for him. What CAN you do? Allow your child to help you set the table and decorate dishes. For example, develop a family tradition of eating together without watching TV. Explore your child’s tastes and understand what he likes and what he doesn’t. Play role-playing games with your children about the dining room, about meeting guests and let the child be in charge. Tell your children stories about healthy and “good” foods and how important it is to eat them. Take time as a family to decorate the dining room or kitchen so that it is pleasant for everyone in your family to be there family and let your child take an active part in this matter.
