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Alpha male and his girlfriend. (reflections on domestic violence). It is believed that dominance adorns a man. Perhaps authoritarianism, the ability to go ahead and compete give him the opportunity to be successful in business. However, I have often encountered families in which the dominant man (alpha male) suppresses his wife. At the same time, the wife does not feel inconvenienced for some time, since she considers the suppression of her interests to be the norm in the relationship between a strong man and a woman, and, in addition, receives certain bonuses for this. How does such pressure occur? 1. Direct influence on a woman in the form of: - threats (if you don’t do this, I will leave you...); - manipulation of feelings (if you love me, then you will do...); - bribery (you will act , as I tell you, I’ll buy it for you...).The purpose of such pressure is to obtain the desired action. For example, a wife does not like meetings with her husband’s relatives; every meeting is a difficult test for her, since at these meetings she is assessed negatively and taught how to live. However, despite this, the husband forces his wife to meet with them, resorting to direct threats: “you must do this, otherwise I will divorce you,” or manipulates feelings “after all, you know how important this is for me,” or tries to bribe “on Saturday We’ll go to mom’s, and on Sunday we’ll go shopping and pick out a dress for you.” As a result, the wife is forced to endure humiliation, suffer from resentment and misunderstanding.2. Creating financial dependence. - the husband forbids his wife to work, citing the fact that she should devote more time to children and home; - the man strictly controls all expenses; - the husband does not allow his wife to move to a higher-paying job. Creating such dependence allows the husband to be confident that , that the wife will not have the opportunity to live independently and support children, so she will have to adapt to his requirements.3. Cultivation of dependence on living conditions - a comfortable apartment in a prestigious area, a summer house, a car, which are owned by the husband; - organizing a variety of leisure activities (travel, trips to prestigious resorts, interesting social circles); - ample opportunities for personal care (SPA treatments, elite fitness club). A man, creating comfort, believes that a woman who is accustomed to a certain way of life will find it difficult to part with him and she will be forced to endure difficulties in her husband’s character, to satisfy all his demands even against her desires.4. Humiliation, insults, negative assessments that create - increased anxiety; - depressive states; - resentment; - feelings of guilt; - apathy. For example, the husband is constantly dissatisfied with how the apartment is cleaned, dinner is prepared, and how the children behave. He blames his wife for everything, says that she is a bad housewife, a stupid mother... If a woman does not have outside support, then this affects the formation of low self-esteem in her, depriving her of energy, the desire to live, to do something to improve her situation. 5. Pressure in the form of physical violence. - beatings; - forced sexual contact; - causing injury and bodily harm. This is the most severe form of violence. However, due to its clearly expressed nature, such violence often pushes a woman to respond: - going to the emergency room and then to the police; - leaving home; - going to court; - involving social structures in resolving the conflict. Despite its severity, this form of domestic violence violence makes it possible to transform a hidden conflict into an open clash, which, in turn, can lead to a change in the situation, the liberation of a woman from dependence on a dominant man (alpha male), and the acquisition of independence. There are different forms of domestic violence. However, its essence is the same - the subordination of the interests of one family member (most often a woman) to another, limiting the opportunities for personal growth. This usually leads to degradation...or rebellion.
