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The program includes the most valuable thing that I would like to give to other women, both in the form of my personal and professional experience, and in the form of my personal and professional knowledge. Most of us women are Cinderellas. Dependent on the praise and assessment of other people, excellent students, ready to live someone else's life for an A, devaluing themselves down to a zero without a stick, looking at themselves through someone else's eyes. We forget our beautiful feminine strength somewhere between the unexpected parental: “You are, my girl, simply beautiful, only your legs are crooked” and the thoughtless male words: “You, of course, are cold, but I love you even like that.” For 15 years my husband has been insulting me, beating me and sending me away. And what does a woman do? Nothing! She hopes that he will change, that is, he will treat her well. In the meantime, apparently, she is not worth any other treatment! The most difficult thing in such a situation is that Cinderella takes all the blame for what is happening. “Since they treat me like this, it means I deserve it, since a man left me, it means I’m really unworthy of him, I’m ugly and uninteresting,” etc. And poor Cinderella will live up to other people’s expectations for the rest of her life. To be praised, to be told: “good girl.” All of Cinderella’s hopes are connected with the Prince. That is, with “The Most Most”. She is looking for her ideal. He finds it and, every time he encounters his humanity, he becomes disappointed, quits and looks for a new one. In the end, he categorically decides that all men are bastards and throws himself into work or social activities. It's very easy to hide from real life. You can tell yourself that real life will begin only tomorrow, or on Monday, or in three years, but for now I am not living, but preparing for this real life. You can tell yourself, I will live by the rules, why invent? Everything was invented before me, and my head doesn’t hurt, and I don’t have to choose. You can still not live, but sleep. Be in the world of your sweet dreams and dreams, fill your life with fantasies, films, books, where there are so many passions, heroes and miracles! Do they exist in real life? Of course not. Well, you shouldn't show yourself there. Or, on the contrary, you can fill your external life to capacity; the entire leisure and entertainment industry is at our service. What fears do such lifestyles hide? And where is the person himself in such lifestyles? His personality, his abilities, talents, interests, knowledge? His unique experience that can be given to other people? His ability to create himself and his life? These are the kind of cute Cinderellas of any age with these and other questions about themselves and their lives that we are waiting for on our program. Together it is much easier and more fun to solve any problems. You will learn to love yourself; value your body, feelings and actions; enjoy life. You can become stronger than your fears; gain confidence in relationships with men; build your life according to your own wishes. The main questions and problems that we will work with: how to accept your body; how to remove sexual blockages; how to get rid of feelings of guilt and shame; how to learn to trust your feelings and desires; how to get rid of fears in relationships; how to learn to enjoy life. The “Dreams Come True” program consists of three thematic stages. The first stage is devoted to the body: issues related to complexes about one’s appearance; rejection of one's sexuality; clothes that protect us from people. We will see how comfortably you can hide in your body and behind your body, and suffer from boredom and loneliness. The second stage is devoted to feelings and thoughts. We will see how you can deeply bury your feelings due to various fears and act differently than you would like, and as a result end up in the wrong place, in the wrong job, with the wrong person, and in general, living the wrong life. At the basis of our choices we will see not our ardent desire, but a feeling of guilt, the influence of our parents, and dependence on the opinions of other people. It’s sad, but there is someone to blame. The third stage is devoted to analyzing relationships with men, your life scenarios, social roles and images...
