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It is easy to believe that past events should leave you alone just because they have already passed, but letting them go is actually not easy. Experiences that have a strong impact on us, especially negative ones, can affect a person on a neurological level. They can also leave marks on our bodies and minds that can influence our behavior for years, even decades. How to get rid of them? Of course, there cannot be a magic pill in any specific case, but it is quite possible to prescribe a certain procedure that can lead to a solution to a particular problem. Today we’ll talk about getting rid of unpleasant memories. If some people are not particularly bothered by such memories, then others, on the contrary, may experience their unpleasant aftertaste for years. Point one. Learn to identify the triggers of your memories. Perhaps these memories come back to you because in your room there is still a photo of a previously loved one with whom you parted ways, and you don’t even pay attention to it. When triggers are in your head, it is more difficult to get rid of them than from photographs, but it is also possible. To do this, you will have to learn to stop negative thoughts. Point two. Try to live for today. You can’t do anything with the past, literally at all; the future, on the contrary, is only in your hands. Point three. Look for new experiences. Obsessing over unpleasant memories also comes from dissatisfaction with the life we ​​have now. Don't get bored, do what you find interesting. Point four. If you have no one to discuss painful issues with, just write your thoughts down on paper. This will help you “speak out” and let go of negative memories easier. Point five. Take a look around. It is possible that certain people are preventing you from leaving the past that is following you. Who knows, maybe it’s time for them to become your past. Point six. Try not to use alcohol or other stimulants to dull your memories. It’s still not possible to get rid of them this way. Let’s do it this way. Getting rid of negative memories will not be easy, but it is definitely within your power. You just have to start taking action. Do you already have a plan?.
