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In light of current events, it is completely normal to feel worried and worried; this is a natural reaction of the psyche to what is happening. Anxiety cannot be completely turned off, since it is our defense system, but we can reduce the level of anxiety. If you feel overwhelmed and emotions begin to come to the fore, you should use special techniques to slow down and stabilize yourself. Strong emotions begin with a bodily reaction, and it is the body that reacts first. You feel your heartbeat speed up, your breathing becomes shallow and frequent, and sweat appears in some parts of your body. Stabilization begins with working on breathing. If we deepen our breathing, it will help to significantly reduce tension and the intensity of bodily reactions. To do this, imagine that you are a balloon that is slowly inflated through your nose and then deflated through your mouth. Inhale slowly and evenly through your nose and exhale through your mouth. After 3 deep breaths and exhalations, you will feel how your body relaxes and the intensity of anxiety decreases. This technique is suitable when you need to quickly calm down. If you realize that you are stuck on some negative images and thoughts that make you feel anxious, try using the “Conscious Breathing” technique. The technique helps to shift attention from thoughts and images to the breathing process. To do this, you need to get comfortable, close your eyes and focus on breathing at a pace that is comfortable for you. You can shift your focus to breathing by tracking your bodily sensations. Feel how your chest rises when you inhale and falls when you exhale, how cold air enters your nose when you inhale and comes out warm when you exhale. If during practice you notice that your attention is returning to negative thoughts or images, simply gently return it to the breathing process. You can say to yourself what thought or image distracted you from the process. As you understand, it will be difficult to drive away negative thoughts and focus on bodily sensations at the same time. It is best to set a timer on your mobile phone for one minute to remind you to complete the process. After practice, you will feel how your mind has cleared and the intensity of your experiences has decreased. The first time you try, you may not be able to keep your attention on your breathing, and this is normal. The main thing is not to despair and practice “conscious breathing.” Your psychologist Tatyana Tsvetkova. You can sign up for a consultation via WhatsApp messages 8981-155-39-20. Instagram profile* psiholog_tcvetkova* Instagram belongs to the company Meta, which is recognized as an extremist organization in Russia.
