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From the author: Article. Author: Rustam S. Serebryakov. Training center "Master"Really, why? You sit comfortably in a chair, with a cup of aromatic coffee, relax... We can calmly listen to the radio and TV for a long time, we even note and, sometimes, pronounce the most “juicy” and powerful speech techniques of professional actors, understudies and announcers. But we cannot listen to some speakers: our colleagues or business partners for more than 10 minutes - we get tired, as if after a hard day at work. Why does this happen? The first thing that comes to mind is the monotony of speech. This is understandable: who is interested in listening to a dull statement of the order of letters in words and words in sentences? However, more about the emotionality of speech another time, and now I’ll tell you about a purely technical reason. Let’s imagine such a common situation: you skip some letters in words, “swallow” the endings of words, or you simply don’t have enough breath for these endings. And having such, excuse me, a habit, you spread the word to the masses, implying a positive result. So, you talk, talk, talk... And every time, on every missing letter, in every “chewed” ending of a phrase, wherever you fell short - the brains of your listeners are forced to fill in these gaps, analyze inconsistencies, restore the grammatical meaning! Of course, such work occurs unconsciously for the listeners. The restored meaning of what you said reaches their consciousness! And such work requires a certain amount of brain resource. In joint research by Russian neurophysiologists, mechanisms such as a detector of the grammatical correctness of a meaningful phrase have been discovered. This is a mechanism that detects inconsistencies in perceived speech and signals the need for additional analysis. “It is likely that understanding speech often comes primarily from analyzing grammar.” It turns out that your listeners are not just sitting and listening to you, but are, in fact, doing a lot of work on your breathing, thinking and articulation. That work that you yourself have not yet done. Now you understand why your listeners get tired and why you need to work on your voice? Remember: working on yourself is the most rewarding thing! I wish you good luck!
