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Let's go to kindergarten!Are you going to send your child to kindergarten soon? Then pay attention to his training. Usually these words mean teaching the child self-care skills (for example, washing hands, going to the potty, etc.). Of course, this is important, but we should not forget about one more aspect, the psychological preparation of the child. For a child, changes of this nature are, of course, stressful, so the task of the parents is to prepare him as best as possible for an unusual environment, which, by the way, will allow him in the future avoid tears and will help further adaptation. Psychological preparation for kindergarten will not interfere with even the most sociable child, because even the most active children experience stress and can become withdrawn in an unusual environment. Psychological preparation includes two stages: Creating a positive emotional mood in the baby Familiarization with the approximate daily routine in kindergarten. Ideally, you need to saturate the space of the kindergarten with joint games with the mother and walks around its territory, but, as a rule, this is impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to walk with your child at about the same time as preschoolers, casually passing by the kindergarten where your baby will go. Tell your child that this is a special children’s area only, that children play there, and they have a lot of fun and interest, and parents are not allowed there so that they do not interfere with the children’s play. And that for now your baby won’t be able to go there, but very soon he will become big and he will also be allowed to go there and play with other children. As soon as your child begins to show interest in the mysterious children playing happily behind the fence, tell him a fairy tale about kindergarten featuring his favorite toy or fairy-tale character. Tell this tale regularly, not forgetting to provide it with new details and details so that the child’s interest does not fade away. Adaptation in kindergarten. Adaptation of a child to kindergarten takes on average from 1 to 3 months. And at this time, parents can expect such manifestations of stress as increased tearfulness and irritability, lack of appetite, sleep disturbance, unexpected acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. These signs appear especially clearly during the first days of a child’s stay in kindergarten. A child who knows how to use the potty perfectly suddenly stops doing it and wets his pants, and an active talker may not utter a word in kindergarten. Another situation is also widespread - a child behaves wonderfully in kindergarten, but when he comes home, he begins to show unmotivated aggression and throw causeless tantrums. Treat all this with maximum understanding. The baby cannot express his protest against your decision, so he expresses it in the way that is still available to him. The child does not behave this way to spite you, but simply because he is experiencing extreme stress. Parental love and attention contribute to the child’s speedy adaptation to kindergarten no less than the competent actions of teachers. Why is every trip to kindergarten such a huge stress for a child? This is a reaction to the words of the parents. Yes, no need to be surprised! The baby gets to know the world and learns about its features from the words of the people closest and dearest to him - his parents. And she still has no idea that of everything her parents say, only part of it is true. For example: “If you fool around, I’ll give you to your uncle,” or “Babaika will pass by and take you,” “I’ll leave you here if you don’t listen.” The child does not know and cannot even suspect that all these words of the parents are terribly far from reality. For him they are the ONLY REALITY! The child believes what you told him before and perceives the kindergarten as a place where children are sent and left. When going to kindergarten, the child should know that he is not going there at the whim of his mother or grandmother, who no longer wants to sit at home with him , but for a very good reason. Here you can give free rein to your imagination, the main thing is that the child is convinced that by attending kindergarten, he is thereby fulfilling the most important mission and.
