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I would risk touching on several controversial issues in this article at the same time: how a person is structured, what “main parts” they are made of, how they interact with each other, what happens when normal interaction is disrupted, what is needed to restore it and what will happen if nothing is restored. So, based on the opinion of many sages, researchers and with my usual arrogance, adding my own observations, I will assume that a person consists of a set of “main components”: body, soul and mind. All these three components influence each other, are interdependent and are inextricably linked (during this life). If an imbalance begins in one of the parts, then it inevitably entails disturbances in all other components. If our body is sick, then our soul will have a hard time, and our mind will not be in the best shape. If the mind is affected, then the person becomes practically helpless and unable to ensure his existence. When “cats scratch at our souls,” we experience discomfort and can only think about it. In this article we will talk about the body and how it lives with us. Any of our thoughts or readiness to act or spiritual impulse is necessarily reflected on our body in the form of tension or relaxation of specific muscles. Moreover, each muscle group is “responsible” for its own area. Often a person develops stereotypes of thinking and reactions, psychological attitudes and beliefs, which, under certain conditions, can cause constant, incessant tension in individual muscle groups, which is called “tension.” If this happens, then the stereotype is reinforced, and the person thinks and acts ONLY as the “pressure” dictates to him. Other options simply do not arise. When a “clamp” is formed, a person can feel it only at first, and then gets used to it. There is a feeling that everything is in order. In rare cases, the formed long-term “clamp” is felt by its owner. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this: after all, we ourselves form stereotypes for our own convenience. But if the muscle “clamp” becomes permanent, then stagnation of blood and lymph occurs, the muscles experience excess tension, the mobility of other muscles is limited and, over time, some of these “clamps” can provoke the development of various diseases and malfunction of various body systems, firstly turn, the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal tract, as well as the genitourinary. When a “clamp” becomes habitual, then the way of thinking dictated by it also becomes habitual and is accepted as the only possible one. Each “clamp” is a story about one thing or another stereotype, belief, habitual way of acting. By the way these “clamps” are arranged, you can tell a lot about a person. For example, those who tend to control their own or other people’s actions too much will definitely form a shoulder “clamp” (in the collar part of the back), people who are prone to control thoughts have a “clamp” in the neck area. Well, those who do both have both “clamps” and form at the junction of them a “hump of a hundred diseases” or a “widow’s hump” - a growth consisting of a muscle “clamp” and fat deposits. Separately, it is necessary to say about the pelvic “clamp”: it interferes with a person’s sexual self-identification, disrupts the process of normal sexual desire and can cause a number of sexual disorders. And this “clamp” is often provoked by incorrect clothing: trousers with a too low rise create it. Youth fashion is especially dangerous when trousers made of heavy fabric, such as jeans, are worn very low, since they need to be held in place, additional compressive belts are worn. That is why this style is usually called “unisex”, i.e. gender identity is completely lost. And this happens not only in clothes, but also in the soul and in the mind. And the body reacts by smoothing out sexual characteristics and disrupting the normal function of reproduction. Unfortunately, modern society often dictates very strict conditions, so muscle.
