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Most often, the reasons for the breakdown of a family, and indeed relationships between a man and a woman, is that a man ceases to perceive his wife or permanent partner as a beautiful and desirable woman. Many ladies, feeling the coldness in their relationship, run to the gym, learn strip plastic surgery, change their image and buy all the most seductive lingerie. Many, but you are not one of them. Moreover, if you want to succeed in becoming a domestic dog, follow these tips: Stop watching yourself. Eat cake and sandwiches before going to bed, washing them down with tea with milk, without fear. In a couple of months you will need clothes at least a size larger. Let this be your small victory, which you celebrate with an impressive lunch. To prevent the acquired kilograms from leaving you, forget not only about fitness, but also about basic morning exercises. When going for a new wardrobe, do not look in the direction of fashionable and stable things. A good option, by the way, is to try to squeeze into things of your old size. Remember once and for all - cosmetics spoil the skin, and the ideal hairstyle for all occasions is a ponytail or a bun. Never change this belief. Don’t even think about dressing up at home. A robe from grandma's chest will also work. Warm, comfortable and okay. Looking good at home is the lot of the rich from Brazilian TV series. Don't waste your time on development If you once graduated from school and university, then you don't need to learn anything else. It's a waste of time. It’s better to spend it watching the next soap opera or making sandwiches. However, these two processes are closely interconnected. Don’t educate yourself, don’t have hobbies, don’t be interested in the latest movies, music, books, if you don’t want your husband to consider you an interesting conversationalist. Live in your shell of household and household chores. Complain You can complain about absolutely everything, the weather, your boss, your husband. Moreover, a reason and a listener are not at all necessary for this. Start your whining right in the morning, moving from one subject to another. Very soon you will achieve great mastery in this matter. Down with the charming voice Develop your own special voice timbre. Let his husband know from a thousand. But it’s not the gentle, enchanting cooing that should come from you, because your husband might decide that you’re glad to see him. No, a dull, emotionless voice would be a good option. When you are unhappy with something, he starts screaming and grumbling. Women love with their ears, but men will do just fine. Good success can be achieved by stopping to love yourself. Men most often run away from such women as if from fire.More bad advice HERE>>Source
