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From the author: Addictions, addictions and once again addictions, which are classified today as chemical and non-chemical, have played their role and are a dark spot in people’s memory (collective unconscious) not only reminding of themselves , but they also make evil “jokes”, which will be discussed. Gaming addiction: Ideas, Idols, Ideologists Quite recently, the term “lost generation” was fashionable. Children and teenagers of the nineties... coups, division of spheres of influence, economic collapse, collapse of a system that was considered a “powerful bulwark of socialism” throughout the world. Today the term “socialism” is found only in textbooks, sometimes flashing on the posters of small and strange marches and demonstrations on rare days of remembrance of events with a seventy-year history. But indelible marks in the souls of older generations, behavioral stereotypes and mental reactions to slogans-attitudes took root at the genetic level and became the source code passed on to our descendants. Addictions, addictions and once again addictions, which are classified today as chemical and non-chemical, played their part role and dark spot in people’s memory (the collective unconscious) not only remind of themselves, but also make evil “jokes”, which will be discussed. We will leave classification, systematization and comparison for those who want to do this, and I will talk about the “strangeness” of behavior , the ensuing consequences and mechanisms-springs of consciousness, clearly and coherently reacting to the “stimulus” material. The stimulants in this case are: our desires and needs for self-affirmation and recognition, “hardware” and software created through “sticks” and “toes” , located in a certain sequence. The program on the gaming device unpacks a set of algorithms and presents them in the form of moving pictures on the monitor. Consciousness can register, compare and analyze the results of what it sees, as this happens in a “passive” mode when watching television. In our case, the brain processes the signals, then, conducting a comparative analysis, “responds” at the level of the hypothalamus, the anterior part of the pituitary gland, and the adrenal cortex, releasing special hormones that stimulate the player’s subsequent actions. The hormone corticoliberin, produced by the hypothalamus, stimulates the release of corticotropin. The latter, in turn, stimulates the adrenal cortex, which produces corticosteroids. This system includes the body's defenses and can operate for many hours and even days. It has a powerful effect on all organs and tissues, including the brain. Under its influence, there is a suppression of immune and inflammatory reactions, a change in the concentration of mediators (norepinephrine, serotonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid) in various parts of the brain, an increase in the secretion and acidity of gastric juice and other changes, including in the emotional-volitional sphere. The result of addiction is manifested impatient, constantly in a hurry and nervous: the teenager speaks quickly or walks too quickly. Someone's memory deteriorates or thoughts run from one thing to another - such an important indicator as concentration disappears. Manifestations of a reaction to the game also include increased excitability, sudden mood swings, rapid fatigue, a state of mental emptiness, and sudden outbursts of aggression. These and other psychological and biological signals should make a person think about his health and lifestyle. Now imagine the unformed psyche of a child and the actively reacting psyche of a teenager in his adolescence. The expression is “a child, his soul is like plasticine...” which is “molded” by those who know how and what to mold. An alternative reality is created in which our “hero” occupies an important(!) role. He is not just an observer, he is a participant in these events, he is a “creator”... A deep unconscious need is being realized, a role assigned to us, Humans, from the beginning of Time, which is spoken of in the words of Holy Scripture:9631
