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SYSTEMIC CONSEQUENCES OF ABORTION. THERAPY. I can say that I personally go through this sorrowful path - from myself, the one who did not see anything painful and shameful in aborting her own child (only harm to her health) to the one who was able to repent of it. To say that I completely forgave myself and forgot about it is to say nothing. And yet, now I am the one who is ready to help other women survive this pain and heal, if possible, its consequences. For it is impossible, having such a burden of guilt on your heart, to remain Alive .This is not a “Christian burden from Hellinger” - this is about the Laws of God, according to which the Soul lives, and therefore about the laws of the psyche. A person himself does not forgive himself for what he did not according to the laws of Love, and contrary to his Conscience. To everyone this topic does not yet “hurt” (suppressed, repressed - no less), my wishes are to strive for a state where it no longer hurts so much. The constellations show what a strong unconscious impact abortion has on the entire family system and on relationships in a couple in in particular, as well as on the lives of subsequent children. When the topic of abortion appears in a constellation, often completely unexpectedly, and is confirmed by the client, it is very clear how much energy goes into this trauma. And without resolving this point, sometimes it is simply impossible to move forward in solving complex life issues. The influence and consequences of abortion If a client who came for a consultation talks about his depression, weakness and fatigue, inexplicable feelings of guilt, shame or fear, strange incurable psychosomatic symptoms, sexual coldness towards a partner, regular “zeroing” of income, talks about his “love triangles”, outbursts of anger in a partnership, inexplicable breakups - one of the working hypotheses for this session is the client’s unconscious connection with the topic of abortion. This is how something that they tried to repress and exclude breaks into consciousness. Abortion is an intervention in the natural processes of life development, the termination of a new emerging life, it is the mother’s refusal of a part of herself. Often the pain of loss is so great that they try to suppress it, muffle it, forget it. People try not to advertise this fact to others. Aborted children are not buried in cemeteries, they are not given names. Both the fact of abortion and the feelings associated with it are repressed from memory. When an abortion is performed, the order of “give and take” is turned upside down, since the aborted child gives everything, including the most valuable thing he has - his life, and his parents take everything, for example, the benefits associated with the fact that they “remain free”, that they do not have to bear responsibility, that they do not have to provide for a child for 20 years... This violation of the order of life between parents and children is experienced in the souls of parents as a grave guilt. But this does not mean that the parents are aware of this. However, in family constellations it is discovered that the soul unconsciously experiences exactly this, especially the soul of the child’s mother. The consequences of this unconscious guilt can often be found in the fact that the mother, for example, no longer dares to be happy with a man or even with herself. What to do about this if an abortion has already been done? If something irreparable has already happened, this must be recognized. Admission of guilt stops the movement towards death. After admitting guilt, you need to grieve it out, and together with your partner. You need to cry, cry and cry. Aborted children must be included in the “system”, keeping in mind that these children are also part of the family. Then you need to accept this event as inevitable, or, as they say, forgive yourself and your partner for what was done (although this expression is not accurate enough). And finally, the couple should do something good in memory of this child. Family Constellations are an effective method of psychotherapy, a powerful psychological tool in working with the problems of parents and specifically on the topic under discussion. You can order a consultation or constellation by appointment. Conducted online If you have experienced abortion(s), miscarriage(s),3
