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“You may well have enough presence of mind to delve into your past and find complexes and defenses that prevent you from developing further. But in order to change your life, you need to do something more. We must act." Mamontov S.Yu. You will say: “It’s easy to say... If everything were so simple, I would have started acting a long time ago.” I cannot but agree with you. Indeed, to begin to act, you need strength (physical and mental), as well as faith. Faith in yourself, in the fact that life can be changed and you can start right today... But where can you get strength when you can barely crawl to a chair, plop down at the computer and plunge into the virtual world, closing yourself off from the real one, because it is unbearably painful to realize that life goes on, and I still sit and wait for something... And only long after midnight you understand that you need to go to bed, and tomorrow everything will be as before... Dejection... This is how people who have weak faith and do not have the power of resistance to life's problems. Instead of a computer, there can also be a TV, a bottle, a cigarette, etc. In this article I will give practical recommendations that may help those who are ready to act, but still lack strength and faith. I collected this knowledge from various sources and from my own experience and am happy to share it with you. Here it is: 1. Know that even if you don’t believe in yourself at all, there is definitely a person who believes in you! Find such a person and start feeding on his faith in you. This will help you begin to form your own faith. Such a person could be someone close to you, a psychologist or a teacher; 2. If possible, exclude from your social circle people who do not believe in you, who, instead of supporting you, criticize and blame you; “Be afraid of noisy and angry people - they destroy the Soul!” - this is what was written on the wall of the ancient Christian temple;3. Make a list of your strengths and hang it where you can see it when you wake up. Every morning after waking up, read the list and, if necessary, add new advantages; 4. Start going for morning runs. This simple method helps better than medications to get rid of depression, which has been proven by American scientists; if jogging is not possible, do some kind of physical activity every day, this will help the body free itself from emotional blocks and allow you to build strength;5. If you don’t want to do anything at all, get up anyway and do at least something, you will immediately feel better;6. Eat foods rich in vitamin B and Ca. (nuts, grains, legumes, spinach, avocado, bananas, goat and Adyghe cheese, goat milk, cream, etc.) Such products increase the nervous power of the body.7. Set a goal for yourself to spend at least 10 minutes every day. engage in idleness less (surf the Internet, chat on the phone, watch TV), gradually bringing it to a minimum; 8. Read for at least 30 minutes. a day about Great People; such reading helps to develop self-confidence. If you begin to follow such recommendations, you will notice how your strength and faith will begin to grow stronger. After this, you will see how your thoughts will begin to clear more and more and your thinking will become more positive. I wish you courage in your upcoming actions! If you leave a comment, I will be grateful to you! Share on vk
