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Why I love crises. Everyone has experienced one crisis or another in their life. Bigger or smaller. In one area or another. Let's start with the banal. Crisis from Greek means solution or turn. In Chinese these are two characters - danger and opportunity. You already know this without me. This is precisely why I love crises because of their fresh perspective. It doesn’t matter artificially created or natural. A crisis knocks off a person’s rose-colored glasses and there is a chance to look at everything with an honest look. And this is the greatest gift that the crisis gives us. The best opportunity, although it comes with pain, from the collapse of illusions. Why is this important? Because only in those moments when life with a crash presses your glasses into your eyes, you can really see, even through pain, snot and tears. When everything is good, we believe in our own noodles and live in peace. Telling yourself fairy tales about the actual awesomeness and non-fucking. And as soon as we see reality, in all its, sometimes, ugliness, we receive an invaluable gift - opportunity. Possibility of change. So why am I all this? Each of us has crises. Personal, family, in business, in relationships. And the one who says that he has never gone through this in his life is lying. The whole question is how to react to it. Or even what you will come out of this crisis with. You can come out feeling sorry for yourself, blaming other people, thinking about the inadequacy of your life, and so on. Or maybe with a plan on how to improve something, feedback, the reasons for its occurrence, or something else. And this is only your choice. Which no one can take away from you. So, I love crises. They happen periodically in everyone's life. It's good, even if it hurts. A crisis makes it possible to see reality. Seeing her, you can improve the situation. It reminds me of diving. Plunging into the abyss of life, everyone chooses for themselves what to get from the bottom. Some people pull out dirt, some old shards, and some pearls. Pearls are the lesson and experience that your immersion, your crisis, gives you. Crisis enriches you. Diving into crises - get pearls.
