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In any society there is such a thing as social rank - this is the position occupied by an individual in the hierarchy of a particular social system. According to Anatoly Prototopov, author of a number of books on ethology, a person (like any animal) is born with a certain ranking potential. How to understand this? Let me give you an analogy. A person is born with a set of individual genes that give him the opportunity to grow to a size determined by them. But this is only a possibility that will be realized under appropriate conditions (for example, good nutrition and environment). If there is a lack of food or unfavorable conditions, the opportunity will not be fully realized. There is even an anecdote on this topic. They ask the sparrow: - Who are you? - I am an eagle!!! - Why so small? - And I was sick in childhood! In general, potential is only an opportunity that still needs to be realized. And you need to understand that you cannot jump above your potential. Or will you still jump? For example, animals do not have this opportunity, since they do not have self-awareness, they cannot see themselves from the outside or are inside the situation. A person, thanks to such an option as awareness of his self, still has the opportunity not only to reach the peak of his potentially genetically programmed capabilities, but even to jump above this limit. I’m talking about rank, not about height. But why do we need to know this? There was an experiment about the growth of teachers. The students were asked the approximate height of teachers, students, the dean... And it turned out that the higher a person’s position, the more he is perceived as taller by an average of 10-12 centimeters, while fellow students’ height, on the contrary, is underestimated. So, it turns out, you can even add to yourself growth, although not in objective, but in subjective reality, but this is exactly what we need. Because rank, although a subjective thing, is determined or, more correctly, fixed precisely according to objective parameters. And here we have good news: we can control these parameters. I’ll tell you about one more experiment. Among roosters, the highest ranking ones are those with the brightest and largest combs. In order to emphasize this rank, they constantly peck at those of lower rank. They allow themselves to be pecked, thereby recognizing this hierarchy. So, scientists came up with the idea to stick chic combs on the outsiders, and the chicken community immediately elevated them to the top of the pyramid of power. Doesn’t it look like the crowns of monarchs? So how are we going to “glue these combs on ourselves”? If this is done correctly, then it, an artificial ridge, can then grow in and become real, this is a feature of human biology. I would like to make a reservation right away, the rank of a person is not such a simple phenomenon as that of a rooster, and consists of more components, which we will talk about here. Where do we start? Yes, precisely from growth, alas, but this is so. The reason here is simple. Children look up to their parents, who have a rank higher than their own, and to all elders, from the bottom up. And this is fixed on a subconscious level, thus linking rank and growth. Even Napoleon, having conquered all of Europe, still preferred to wear high-heeled boots. The second thing is the speed of our movements. The slower a person's movements (to a reasonable limit), the more significant he seems. Conversely, fast, fussy movements lower the rank of the person making them. This effect is used in cinema. They slow down the movements of the heroes to emphasize the significance of both the heroes themselves and their actions. And vice versa, when they want to show insignificance, they speed up the hero’s movements. The impression of frivolity and fussiness is created. Remember the comedies, especially the old ones. The third thing is the voice. A slower voice is perceived as higher ranking than a faster one. And speed here (since voice is sound) manifests itself more in tonality. That is, the lower the tone, the higher the rank. Agree that something said in falsetto sounds less convincing than the same thing said in bass. Fourth. Posture, posture and gestures..
