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Any relationship is built on the 3 most important basic foundations. We will talk about them below. The more aware you are of your foundation, the greater the chance of making your relationship harmonious and happy. 1. There’s nothing wrong with you, there’s something wrong with me:✔️ Questions from the series: “what if he refuses me and thinks that I’m asking a lot, so I won’t ask better,” “if I go for coffee with a friend , what if he gets offended”, etc.✔️ Position in a relationship: VICTIM! - We put a man on a pedestal. - It’s immediately obvious who NEEDS it more, and this means she’s already dependent on the man; Every victim has its own executioner: - so we attract abusers, tyrants, aggressors, narcissists, controllers and manipulators; 2. Everything is fine with me, but there’s always something wrong with you, you’re always doing everything wrong:✔️ Questions from the series: “actually, you should guess for yourself that I need this!”, “Will I ever Can I at least wait for flowers from you?” etc.✔️ Position in relationships: AGGRESSOR! - inflated narcissism; - Playing God; - Position of a mother in a relationship who is trying to re-educate an adult man; - Inadequate crown on the head; Every executioner has his own victim: - so we attract whiners, whiners, irresponsible, weak, moneyless, insecure, mother's boys, unfulfilled.3. Everything is fine with you and me:✔️ Questions from the series: “of course you have the right to your choice, and I have the right to mine,” “you don’t have to do what you don’t want, but I will be very grateful to you for your help, because for me it’s valuable.”✔️ Position in relationships: PARTNERSHIP! - develop together and learn about each other what it’s like to live with another adult individual. - Partners with the same values ​​and outlook on life are attracted; - where people know how to trust and not control each other; - Give a decently ecological sense of freedom to the partner; - Respect for the needs of the partner and responsibility for their implementation; Which of these 3 foundations do you think is NOT POSSIBLE to build a harmonious and happy relationship?
