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Every unhappy person is unhappy in his own way. But they are all unhappy “thanks” to one banal reason - the inability to manage their own emotions. From this article you will learn: Why philistine methods of managing emotions not only do not work very well, but are also extremely dangerous? How to become a real Master of Emotions by mastering the key skills of nine avatar incarnations? Why do samurai take sets of porn pictures to war? Party, let me steer! What do people who are completely far from psychology imagine when they hear about managing emotions? 1. That’s right – suppression of these very emotions until their complete absence. Of course, this is extremely harmful to health - it leads to various psychosomatic diseases. In addition, under the ever-increasing pressure of the emotions accumulating inside you, the vessel, sooner rather than later, will burst and splash the products of the emotional half-life of the people around you, for example, loved ones, relatives or important business partners. Comprehending the basics of psychological literacy, some (especially many of them among women) begin to think the opposite.2. In the sense that the best control over emotions is the absence of any control over them. Free outburst of emotional impulses. The consequences are as follows: big problems with creating a strong, happy family; a shattered psyche and an unstable emotional background; prolonged, sluggish depression, often not realized by the person himself and therefore even more destructive; chronic fatigue and premature aging. More psychologically advanced individuals often try to master emotions as a kind of formal skill, subject to dull memorization of the “Periodical-Clayperon Table,” supplementing their self-education with dubious products like “Lie to Me.”3. Instilling in yourself stereotyped pseudo-emotions is perhaps the most dangerous way to try to control them. The harm accumulates gradually, like the consequences of smoking. At first, it will seem like you have a tight grip on your emotional well-being. However, then your brand new pseudo-emotional mask-persona will wear out completely, being isolated from real sources of power - your true deep emotions. And these locked emotions themselves will do their dirty work, trying to break into life and consciousness in any way, even bringing troubles, traumas and disasters into your destiny. “...Nine - to the people of Middle-earth for...” The Lord of Emotions is, naturally, a collective image. He can fully (in “3D”!) show and convey to you his key skills only by consistently incarnating himself in nine avatars: 1. Surfer – blithely gliding on the crest of an ocean wave of emotions. Light and happy is his semi-flight among the roar, foam and splashes. Keys to mastering Catch the wave! – The Lord of Emotions does not run from them, but joyfully catches them, glides at their very peak, maintaining balance, i.e. aware of what is happening here and now, even in the mouth of the most severe storm. Lubricate the skis - a board with cracks and growths, unpolished and unlubricated will bury the loser-surfer under the first timid wave. The Lord’s psyche must be polished of old traumas and complexes (with the help of an experienced psychologist in person or via Skype) and lubricated with relaxation practices from the psycho-cosmetology VIP set. 2. Rodeo cowboy - rides hard and long on an angry bull of emotions, fiercely trying to throw him under the hooves and onto the horns. Keys to mastering 5 seconds - if the cowboy manages to hold on after the first frantic impulse, then the body gets used to the insanely extreme pastime, and the chances of achieving successes are increasing rapidly. Maintain presence of mind, awareness, control over yourself for at least the first 5 seconds of the ninth wave of emotion - and you will become its Lord. Armored panties - when preparing to saddle a ferocious beast, cowboys put on special equipment that reliably protects the most vulnerable parts of the body. Likewise, the Lords of Emotions protect their pain points in advance - they work on a “hot” topic with a psychologist in person or via Skype.They model and instill an adequate and calm reaction to previously unbearable stimuli (for example, to derogatory criticism from a mother-in-law or mother-in-law). 3. Tightrope walker - freely and boldly walking on a thin string stretched over a greedy abyss of emotions. Keys to mastering The sixth sense - the stronger the wind over the abyss, the longer and weightier the tightrope walker's pole should be. The inner core will help you to withstand the rush of emotions - a conscious desire for a goal and, at the same time, a feeling of your entire spine at once, when your back is straight, your shoulders are turned back and relaxed, and your head is, as it were, suspended from the top of the head. Safety rope - allows the rope dancer to save his life and health even in case of force majeure. Come up with a fuse that allows you to restore your state, even if your emotions have already, as they say, blown the roof off. Sharp, sobering painful sensations (pinch-slap), a cold shower from a glass, holding an ice cube from the freezer in the palm of your hand, remembering something very indecent and funny. The main thing is to train yourself to instantly turn on your “panic button” when you get crazy. A psychologist competent in this matter will help to bring it to automaticity. 4. The alchemist is a master of invisible transformations of gross destructive emotions into subtle, creative states. Keys to mastering Sublimation - the sublimation of heavy earthly substances into a light gaseous state helped alchemists create the philosopher's stone. Having felt a destructive emotion in the body, for example, anger in the solar plexus area, it is necessary to visualize and direct these sensations along the trajectory of the “Small Heavenly Circle”, i.e. as it shown on the picture. When the sensations become strong and pleasant, concentrate them in the stomach at the level of the navel. Japanese porn - samurai took sets of erotic images to war, became aroused with their help before the start of the battle and transferred the awakened power upward, turning passion into rage and power. Learn to transform any emotion into useful energy. 5. The conductor is a virtuoso maestro of an orchestra of thousands of his emotions. Clearly and multifacetedly expresses the slightest nuances of the state of mind. Keys to mastering As if by notes - the conductor builds a perfect, complete building-symphony, based on the musical script. And when managing emotions, it is worth thinking through in advance and testing effective scenarios for changing your states in various situations. However, they should remain rough sketches so as not to replace sincere emotions. And here you become an improvising conductor. A loving, strict father - this is what a conductor should be for every orchestra musician. And you should love, recognize, respect each of your emotions, without indulging the whims of all or some of them. 6. Carmen is a frantic dancer, playfully juggling emotions with deadly force. It doesn't matter if it's your own or someone else's. The Keys to Mastering The Truth Is Right Here – Carmen is always stunningly, deadly truthful in her emotions. And they can change several times in a minute, remaining sincere and deep. The Lord of Emotions firmly holds on to the “here-and-now” state, following the internal compass of her own sincerity. The world inside out - Carmen masterfully controls the emotions of those around her. It’s as if she turns herself inside out in such a way that her inner world mixes with the outer world, infects others with sincere emotions and awakens their own. 7. The Dragon Smaug - from the cult story (and now film) “The Hobbit”. The great serpent, soaring on the wings of emotions and incinerating entire cities with their power. Keys to mastering Golden Dreams - dragon emotions sleep the lion's share of the time. Hoarding in golden dreams. But when they awaken, no one can resist. Organize your life so that you spend most of it in emotional sleep mode. And, at the same time, regularly arrange emotional feasts, but not aimless ones, but leading to creative, love and business achievements. Double play - Smog saves emotions, often using their almost perfect copies when communicating. But devoid of sincerity and an order of magnitude less!!!
