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You all probably remember how you were asked the question as a child: “What do you want to become when you grow up?” Then each of us had an answer prepared. And even though professions and occupations were often just a child’s fantasy, then it was easy, the problem of choice was not so pressing. The first time we were faced with a similar choice was when we were finishing school. It became a question of priorities. Some people want to get a higher education, some want a secondary education, while others may be satisfied with the wealth of knowledge they acquired at school. But those who chose a university were again faced with the task of what profession, what specialty? And now, the entrance exams are over, you have entered. At this moment, life begins to seem like something very simple and easy, and the “schedule” is known several years in advance. Now you are a student. And it seems to you that now everything is clear: your future profession is known, and now all you need to do is study. But somewhere around the third year, questions may arise for yourself. And if you are also a future holder of a diploma with the inscription “psychologist”, then you again face a choice. In what direction should I work? What problems? With which clients? And other questions arise more and more often. From my own experience, I can say that all these issues may not be realized at first. You may simply notice that for some reason you categorically do not like some topics, theories or practical directions in psychology, and some, on the contrary. What can a student do? Of course, the simplest solution is to ask your teachers for help. Personally, I did just that. I started asking my teachers about their activities besides lecturing. And soon I realized the most important problem - “every sandpiper praises its own swamp.” And when students start asking questions, the teacher strives to “advertise” the direction in which he himself is working, show it in the best light, and simply challenge everything else, or even try to refute it. And the main arguments are based on stories from our own practice. They impart emotional coloring and illusory persuasiveness. And almost everyone does this!!! It is very rare to find a psychologist who is loyal to different psychological schools, and who is quite flexible in practice. Although it is no secret that this approach is the most effective. None of the directions is a panacea. Just as it is true that there are so many people, so many opinions, and so many clients, so many approaches to them. But still, in the life of a “little psychologist” who is not yet a specialist, but really wants to become one, there is another side. For example, at my university, every new academic year adaptation training is held for freshmen. Previously, this was only for “new students” in the Faculty of Psychology, and in 2009 for other faculties too. There was an article about this in the Golden Ladder. And the coaches of first-year students are students, sometimes even second-year students. The guys are given the opportunity, as they say, to try themselves in practice. And that's great! We learn not only how to properly structure training programs and select exercises, but also how to “lead the audience” and feel the atmosphere and mood of the group. And this, in my opinion, is the most important thing in the work of a coach. Because it is very easy to deviate from theory and schedule, because you never know what kind of people you will have to work with, how they will perform the exercises and whether they will do it at all. And you only need to conduct such trainings once, even at your own institute, and it becomes clear whether you will continue to do this. And if you do, you will gain invaluable experience. And your own ideas are already arising, new exercises are being invented, they themselves form a program and, after a while, you may discover that you yourself already have a ready-made program for your own training. And here again the fact that you are a student saves you. You don't need to look for a room and rent it. No need.
