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The month begins on the 20th lunar day, like the previous one. His symbol is the Eagle. The time has come to rise above the bustle of the world and look at your life as a piece of the Creator’s Great Plan in the overall picture of social development. And also at the present moment of your life - as a necessary and important point in the chain of events that will certainly lead to the best result. And even unpleasant circumstances, conflicts, illnesses, problems are a chance to pay attention to whether our aspirations correspond to true desires, and an opportunity to change the direction of our development to achieve a true goal. The temptations of this period are pride, vanity, inflated self-esteem and neglect of others. For those who are inclined to “turn up their noses” there is a danger of falling “from Heaven to earth” with “bruises”, “bumps”, or even complete collapse. On December 1, Mars connected with Lilith. And she, with her characteristic sarcasm, highlighted all its negative sides, or rather, excesses and distortions in the manifestation of activity, activity, movement. This is recklessness, a tendency to violence, hot temper, and conflict. Or, on the contrary, indecision, clumsiness, cowardice, absurd, unnecessary movements, actions out of place, in the wrong place and at the wrong time. For those who have developed Lilith, the aspect can show hidden (or previously unnoticed) opportunities for realizing one’s potential, or use veiled moves to achieve their goals, as well as make someone’s secret actions obvious. On November 4, a square of Jupiter and Mercury is formed. Talkativeness, in some places talkativeness, turning into “verbal incontinence” can lead to both conflicts, quarrels, and the release of information that should be protected from wide publicity. And also to such moments as he said without thinking or was about to say a few words, but the conversation dragged on until the morning due to the impossibility of reaching an agreement and conveying the meaning of what was planned. Or I wanted to express my opinion about yesterday’s friendly match, but I remembered that a year ago a neighbor stepped on his foot and about all the complaints that had accumulated over 5 (10, 15) years of marriage. There is also eccentricity on the roads, a lot of sudden unnecessary movements. Jupiter does everything in a big way, so “big accidents” against the backdrop of tense aspects are completely in his style. This applies to both scale and size, as well as socio-political significance. On November 5, Venus enters the sign of Scorpio. Feelings acquire special drama and vulnerability. The desire to experience feelings can manifest itself both in the deliberate creation of situations that threaten the integrity of relationships, and in receiving pleasure from extreme sports, danger, and going through a crisis. Dissatisfaction with feelings and uncertainty about one’s significance for the object of love can push a person to act rashly, provoke attacks of jealousy, and incline them to use magic and simply be depressed. On December 1, the trine of Mercury and Uranus, and on December 9, the trine of the Sun and Uranus awakens creative solutions, original thoughts, non-standard ideas and contributes to the implementation of the most daring projects. On December 10, Mercury enters the sign of Capricorn. Thinking acquires structure, it becomes more logical, consistent, systematic, and result-oriented. Our contacts and communications are subordinated to a specific goal, and concentration increases. We become more calculating and rational. On December 22, following Mercury, the Sun will enter Capricorn. And then our entire personality acquires solidity, composure, discipline - we clearly know what we want and we have a plan for implementing our plans. Well, as already mentioned in the forecast for November, on December 11 there will be an exact opposition between Mars and Uranus, which Pluto is building up to the Tau square that we have already become accustomed to over the past couple of years. This is fraught with the escalation of military conflicts, the formation of explosive situations, and the carrying out of terrorist acts. And in private and in everyday life - fires, short circuits, voltage surges innetworks, conflicts involving the use of force, assault, “brain explosions,” attacks of rage and aggression. But we have already told you in previous forecasts, where this T-square was described, that the configuration itself is a closed circuit that produces a powerful energy charge. For those who do not know how to transform energy and direct it in the right direction, the configuration serves as a very strong irritating factor. In fact, having received a powerful charge and failing to use it, a person not only throws it into space, but also merges with it the remnants of all his energy, de-energizing his life and his body and exposing the weak points of his psyche and his body. In this case, collapse occurs in all areas of life, diseases worsen, household injuries increase and relationships with people around them deteriorate. If a person knows how to work with energy and manage his emotional state, he will be able to “connect” this “power plant” to power his goals and realize inherent potential. On December 14, the square of the Sun and Jupiter aggravates the conflict of power at all levels, from intrapersonal conflicts to international relations. An inflated Ego, increased self-esteem, and vanity will provoke incitement to disputes, seizure of territory, violation of personal boundaries and neglect of the interests of others. On December 18, there will be a square between Mercury and Lilith. Distortions of Mercury are, on the one hand, lies, deception, fraud, gossip, slander, forgery of documents. On the other hand, tongue-tiedness, the inability to formulate thoughts and put them into words, lack of communication skills, as well as an abundance of unnecessary contacts, excessive talkativeness, promiscuity in communications, information omnivory, lack of critical thinking or excess criticism. When working on Mercury, Lilith gives the opportunity to “ read between the lines”, understand the hidden motives of the behavior of other people and oneself, receive information from secret sources, as well as sacred knowledge. On December 19, Mercury will connect with Pluto. Thinking, words, communications acquire depth, a shade of mysticism. They are able to influence the masses and influence the psyche. And here it is a person’s choice - what role he will define for himself: to be the one who controls the masses or to succumb to the influence of the crowd. You can, of course, focus on your personality and understand the deep motives that control your own behavior, habits, addictions, find destructive mental programs and eliminate them. A very good moment for psychotherapy, regressive hypnosis, transformation of your beliefs, and, with them, the picture of the world as a whole, and therefore your life. December 21 - the square of Uranus and Mercury increases the risk of injury on the roads, the general level of conflict, increases the desire to break connections that we consider limiting our freedom. But, since the level of impulsiveness is increased, you can “break the woods” without thinking. It is better to carefully analyze the situation on other days, and then make a decision - to leave or stay. Computers and all electrical appliances and electronics are also susceptible to sudden failures. On December 25, Uranus becomes direct. All areas related to discoveries, new technologies, computer technology, electronics, aircraft construction, and space research are becoming more active in society. Independent views and brilliant ideas can be translated into reality, since now the likelihood of finding like-minded people increases significantly. On the same day, a trine of Mercury and Jupiter takes shape, which expands our views, the scope of contacts, interests, and also increases the opportunities for the implementation of our ideas and plans. On December 29, a square of Mercury and Mars is formed. This circumstance increases verbal aggression, that is, it provokes the desire to prove that one is right, without choosing expressions and without regard to the interests of other parties. Verbal skirmishes can easily turn into assault - when words are no longer enough, arms, legs, and others come running to help the speech apparatusparts of the body... On December 30, Venus moves into the sign of Sagittarius. Depending on the level of development of Venus, our aesthetic tastes and preferences are directed either towards prestige, social significance, or towards spiritual development, growth, and the search for a spiritual ideal. For some, this is a period of “clearing the territory”, when the number of potential partners grows, several connections or several creative projects are formed simultaneously. And from this Sagittarius-like wide coverage, by the time of the transition to Capricorn, Venus will focus on those contenders (usually the choice has already been made in favor of one) who will contribute to achieving the goal. But, of course, everyone has their own goal. For some it is creating a family, for others it is getting a sponsor temporarily or forever, for others it is giving yourself pleasure (physical or spiritual), for others it is a career, material well-being, etc. If we We are talking about choosing a partner, then the criteria for his choice and the goals of forming relationships will depend on the individual position and aspects of Venus in the chart of a particular person. Let's look at the moment of the New Year - December 31, 23:59. In the map built for Krasnodar (Moscow is not much different), several interesting configurations catch the eye. First of all, this is “Sail” with its apex on the MC, in the sign Cancer. This means that our goals and desires (correctly conceived - the main thing is that you yourself believe that this is correct and effective), in the field of building a family, creating family relationships in any group, team, creating an atmosphere of care, psychological comfort, motherhood, “ feeding" of any business will be in harmony with the Universe. This means that their fulfillment will happen easier and faster than all other desires. The Cancer sign is also in charge of issues of history, family traditions, heredity, support of the clan and ancestral ties in general, parents, the family hearth, the service sector, psychology, everything related to water, the intake and assimilation of food (not only physical, but also spiritual ). All desires and goals somehow related to the listed areas will be especially easily accepted by the Universe. So – fulfillment of your desires and dreams! Another interesting configuration is Lilith T-square Uranus and the Sun conjunct Pluto at the apex. The vertex is also facing the sign of Capricorn, that is, it is directly related to our goals and life aspirations. And in the map built for Krasnodar (and Moscow too), it is located in the IV house - the same principle of Cancer. But achieving these goals comes through overcoming, destroying, opposing ourselves to family, ancestors, parents, and any other structure from which we came. It is clear that the goal formulated in this way is not aimed at creation, but at destruction. The choice is again up to the individual. He can see the problem indicated by the T-square (we look at which houses the vertices in his map are directed to) and solve it by directing energy to the “Sail”. Or it may simply destroy everything to the ground, especially if Uranus, the Sun and Pluto are not worked out in the chart, and Lilith is not asleep here. It will present in a grotesque form all the delights of your personal distortions of the principles of these planets, and will also focus your attention on the distortions of the people around you. But here we must remember that we see distortions because we look at people and current events through the “distorting mirror” of our own perception. The Moon will connect with Jupiter and the Ascending Node in Virgo, simultaneously forming a trine with Mercury, a sextile with Venus and an opposition with the Setting Node. Although our emotions will be comprehensive, broad, they are still controlled by the mind, very rational and aimed at achieving the chosen goal. Supportive aspects from Mercury and Venus will help you clearly formulate thoughts, put emotions into words and pronounce them beautifully and festively, especially at the moment of toasts, congratulations, wishes. In general, Happy New Year!!! And for those who are determined to take their Destiny into their own hands, below I offer a description of a course aimed at changingown life. This is “Astromagic” - a training program, the first day of classes for which is December 15, 19:00. You can find out the schedule, cost and detailed program on my website, as well as on “Self-Knowledge”, “v17”. Description of the training Astromagic is a combination of two concepts - magic and astrology. "Magic is the science and art of causing changes in accordance with the will, using methods not recognized by modern science" - Aleister Crowley. In a broader sense, magic is a way to change life, to influence its events through some force. This power can be personal, that is, the magician himself, or attracted from the outside. Some use minerals, some plants, some entities or Spirits of the elements. But any of the attracted forces (even Angels) requires taking on certain obligations as payment for services. And here the sorceress or witch (from the word to know, that is, to know) falls into the trap of obligations, and over time loses his own will and becomes only an executor of the will of the “Master”, who was previously called upon as an assistant. Even when leaving for another world, the Soul of a person bears the “stamp of obligations” to the forces with which he interacted in this life. And in the next incarnation they again persuade a person to serve. And their methods are not always pleasant. We are accustomed to looking at the natal chart as a prescription that determines our Destiny, which cannot be changed. In the best case, you can use the horoscope’s instructions to “lay down the straws” or go somewhere far away at the right time. But as soon as we begin to see in it the “curriculum” with which the Soul came into this incarnation to develop the qualities it needed, the picture immediately changes. We know what we must learn, and how we do it is our free choice. For example, such a quality as courage is cowardice at one of its poles, and recklessness at the other. It becomes courage somewhere in the middle, where the risk is justified and appropriate in this particular situation. How will we learn courage? You can live part of your life or your whole life as a “minnow”, and spend the other in fights and battles or in other ways to raise the level of adrenaline in the blood. In the first case, find and attract into your life those who will intimidate, and in the second, those who will challenge you to fights, drag them into wars and other risky enterprises. So, after living several lives, learn experimentally what courage is. Or you can, after analyzing the map, see distortions in the concept of courage and simply change them in your mind (using the Theta Htling method). Then the tense aspects begin to appear in the chart as harmonious, since we have already learned the necessary lesson and we can “mark the completion” in our “curriculum.” There is a more understandable example. Let's say our task is to learn joy throughout life. We can go through grief, suffering, depression, in order to, in contrast, ultimately understand what joy is. Or we can immediately look for an opportunity for ourselves to receive joy from life. A useful and relevant example for many is the lack of harmonious relationships. Having looked at the natal chart with our usual glance, we state that in this life a person is not destined to meet a suitable partner, and it is better to forget about this and, by choice, either be content with what you have, or find some kind of activity that, within the framework of the natal chart, will bring pleasure to a person. If we look at the map as a training program for the Soul, we can see in it that for a harmonious relationship a person needs to learn to talk about his feelings, listen to his partner, or become more relaxed and follow his true desires, etc. Aspects of the planets, their We consider the position in houses and signs, their strength or weakness from the point of view of programs that need to be either eliminated, changed, or formed and integrated into the personal space to harmonize one’s life. Astromagic is a way to change your life using the knowledge of astrology and relying on your natal chart, as well as the horoscope of those people]
