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Problem + Resources = ResultBasic rule of NLP Modern life dictates its own rules and framework to us. Every day it is urgently necessary to have time to fulfill and even exceed your personal plan, keeping several important tasks in mind every minute, and as quickly as possible, preferably every second, while answering the questions identified during the internal dialogue. As Lewis Carroll wrote: “You have to run as fast as you can just to stay in place, and to get somewhere you have to run at least twice as fast!” Of course, for many people living at such a frantic pace, just stopping for a minute and taking a deep breath is already an achievement. But why is the phenomenon of generativity so important in ordinary everyday life with its everyday difficulties and concerns? A downtrodden person, tormented by the torment of his own internal thoughts, will never receive joy and satisfaction from the events taking place, if only because constantly overcoming difficulties without the skills of a generative approach to solving them undoubtedly leads to a permanent state of stress. A generative person, on the contrary, learns not to overcome difficult life situations, but tries to cope with them, bringing new experiences into his life and enriching it with the joy of realizing his own success and achievements. All of us are the way we think, what images and pictures arise in our heads, and behind which, as a result, our mood and our reactions and actions to certain life circumstances are formed, that is, the idea that a person builds his life himself, is not a distant philosophical abstraction, but works very consistently. One can cite hundreds of examples from life in which an initially neutral situation, due to the negative charge of an individual, turned into extremely unfavorable consequences for him, as well as vice versa, when one smile was enough for a person to get an excellent result. It would seem that everything is not so difficult, draw yourself a positive image of the current circumstances and live and be happy, but, of course, there is always a catch hidden somewhere. And the catch is precisely that in the most difficult situations a person does not have a generative approach to solving problems. It’s easier to do as we know, as is more familiar, and therefore more comfortable. But very often, due to the ordinariness of our actions in similar life situations, a way out is never found at all, or is found, but not the one we would like. And it is in such special cases that a person must show all his generativity, and it is, of course, inherent in each of us by nature. And it is the generative approach, and only it, in solving complex life issues that helps a person emerge victorious from them with his head held high, and not become a wretched victim of circumstances. Very often, events occur in the lives of each of us in which life itself requires the manifestation of our generative skills, because it is no secret to anyone that life does not stand still, that we need to develop ourselves and the surrounding reality every day. The mind is very well aware of this need, but it can be extremely difficult to destroy existing structures, just as the notorious “comfort zone” plays an important role, in which it is cozy and warm, even though the sun has long gone out in it. When life begins to destroy these structures on its own, very often for a person this event is accompanied by extremely unpleasant emotions. This is where the moment of stopping comes, at which you can try to rise above the situation, try to understand what life is trying to point out to me in this way, and not curse the Universe, Fate and God for their disfavors and punishments. And if a person makes such a generative choice, often, after some time, circumstances prove that it was precisely these test situations that frightened and tormented so much that ultimately led to».
