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Have you read the Kama Sutra? Most people associate the Kama Sutra only with pictures of exotic poses. Kama Sutra is the correct name. What does it mean? Kama is the energy of desire. Sutra teaching. Kama Sutra is a teaching on how to manage the energy of desire. The energy of desire is insatiable by nature, hence all earthly addictions. That is why the essence of human development is in knowing the measure in everything: in food, intimacy, words, actions, emotions, etc. The basis of any skill is knowledge of proportion. The Kama Sutra is a great treatise that teaches, through the management of the energies of sexual desire, the knowledge of proportion in intimacy. In order to understand this science, we must change our internal paradigm. Why? Because we think that we are evolving from some irrational beings to some intelligent ones. And, in fact, Darwin’s entire theory of evolution is based on this. Those. there was some kind of amoeba. One of the luckiest amoebas began to develop and became an infusoria. The ciliates began to develop and became fish. The fish somehow went, went, went... then the monkey... She took a stick... And here we are... T. That is, in fact, the main premise is that something unreasonable should turn into something reasonable. While the Vedic scriptures state the opposite: something unreasonable cannot turn into something reasonable. We can degrade quite easily within one lifetime. Those. homeless people were not originally born homeless, i.e. it was necessary to reach this state. We can easily see degradation. And evolution, as you can see, is quite difficult. The Kama Sutra talks about how you can degrade through sex and how you can develop thanks to the knowledge of moderation in it. First, about the sad, about degradation. How can a person degrade through sex? Quantity is not quality! In a couple, sex should not be frequent. Firstly, the frequency dulls the brightness of sensations and becomes a routine. Secondly, greed develops, which begins to possess a person, he becomes a hostage to his desires, becomes dependent on the presence of sex, and if there is no sex for a short time, he begins to “blow the roof off” from the lack of sex. A hostage to his desires, a person begins to look for ways to realize them. Sex at home is no longer impressive. And the descent down the stairs into the darkness of degradation begins. Polygamy is sexual greed. The first betrayal, the second, regular. There comes a moment when one partner no longer excites - a brighter load on the organs of perception is needed for arousal. swing, group sex, bisexual contacts. The excitation circuit requires constant adjustment. Other perversions appear that people have tried to decorate with the word philia (from Greek - friendship, affection, love): pedophilia, bestiality, gerontophilia, etc. Below - BDSM and all varieties, when pain is necessary to achieve orgasm. Then mania, when it is no longer your own pain that is needed, but someone else’s pain. And at the very bottom is Doctor Lector, for whom it’s not enough to rape and kill, he also needs to eat. He was the smartest man, our colleague, but at the same time a complete spiritual degenerate. Psychiatry is powerless to help, Freud is resting. Freud, by the way, studied these works, but was afraid to voice the whole picture, which was based on religious work, and changed it in his own way. This is how you can easily degrade from Homo Sapiens to the level of an intelligent animal Doctor Lector. And now about the joyful thing. The sutra was written at a time when in India, treason on any side was punishable by death and was really a textbook that preserved both life and rationality, a book of happiness) In general, pleasures vary in the strength of their manifestation. There are three main energy centers in a person. Lower the level is located below the navel - animal. It contains all the organs that ensure the life of the body, all its basic vital processes. This is the level of pleasure. Udo is a member of the body, pleasure is the liberties of the body, such as food, sex and other pleasures associated with the body. Sex at this level is animal in every sense of the word. Partners who are in tune only on physical attractiveness are not!!
