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Intrapersonal conflict, like a reverse current in the ocean, brings out all internal problems and dormant emotions. A person contradicts himself and cannot decide which side is the truth. There are six types of intrapersonal conflicts. Adaptation. Happens when the balance between the internal state and the external environment is disturbed. New conditions negatively affect professional and other personal skills. Thus, an experienced tracker gets lost in an unfamiliar area, an Olympic athlete performs worse in a new arena. To adapt to a new situation, a person sometimes needs to change his thinking or perception. When this does not happen, intrapersonal conflict arises. Given these reasons, it is urgent to find a better solution. Ask yourself every time you look for options: “Is this method the most optimal and effective?” During the search process, you will be able to consider the situation from different points of view and find the right solution. Role player. A person experiences difficulties in identifying his role in society. Such a conflict arises when a person accepts a certain role with a specific set of qualities and responsibilities, but does not calculate his capabilities. Intrapersonal conflict will come to naught if a person cedes the chosen role to someone else, for example, leadership or the obligation to be in the center of attention of society, accidentally given to an introvert. Every time, feeling the interest of the crowd, a person struggles with his inner essence and experiences conflicting feelings. Moral. Observed in people who go against their moral values ​​in favor of their desire or urgent need. So, a peace-loving father, protecting his children, takes up arms to kill the criminal. Or a married man cannot resist his desire to possess a beautiful girl and at the same time is tormented by the thought that he is betraying his family and deceiving his wife. The way to deal with moral intrapersonal conflict is simple. You need to constantly study the situation around you, analyze it and make decisions with the consent of your conscience. For example, murder is contrary to moral values, but in a certain situation it will be justified by conscience if a person sees a threat to his life and protection is necessary. Changes in self-esteem. The conflict occurs against the background of inflated demands and lack of capabilities of a person. It manifests itself as emotional outbursts, attacks of irritability, senseless anxiety, and apathy. Due to the inability to realize their goals or desires, a person may feel helpless and weak. This intrapersonal conflict can be eliminated by awareness of one’s goals, the realization of simple desires, for which a person will definitely have the opportunity and resources. Conflict of unfulfilled desires. Manifests itself when a person is very strong wants something, but cannot realize it a priori. For example, fans dream of being like their idol, but the reality is that they are all different from the original. Thus, all desires are shattered by reality. To resolve the internal conflict, you need to accept yourself, identify all past psychological traumas and work through them. It is also important to get rid of black and white thinking and stereotypes that prevent you from seeing the world in its entire color palette. Motivational. Occurs when mutually exclusive desires occur simultaneously. For example, a woman chooses what to wear - trousers or a dress, but it turns out that she wants both equally. To resolve this conflict there is a method of priorities. You need to highlight all the advantages and disadvantages of each desire, imagine how events will develop in both cases, think about the consequences. To avoid becoming a victim of intrapersonal conflict, always listen to your “I”. Focus on your needs and be honest with yourself. Good luck in working on yourself!
