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“It’s better to be simple and honest than smart and deceitful” Sophocles (about the rating on the site) I don’t know whether Baba Yaga woke up in me, or whether my shadow came out today. But now, I go to our website, so to speak, to maintain my rating. And I’ve been holding 18th or 20th place for about the last year. So to speak, I am among the top 20 of our city))). And I began to wonder, who is in our top 10? And Baba Yaga began to study everyone. No, not all of them, I missed it. But only those who are only in our city...Who are those heroes and princesses? Why are these good fellows and beautiful maidens so famous? And what did my Baba Yaga sniff out? The authors of the site write that in order to rank higher, you need to write articles that would be interesting not only to site visitors, but also to psychologists themselves. How often do you visit the site? Then, the rating depends on how many clients contacted you through our website. And for this, we must thank the project. And so, what do I see? That in our top 10 there is a beautiful girl who has been on the site for four months, and already 125 people have already contacted her. This is what I understand! There are about 120-122 days in four months. Here, the beautiful maiden saves souls by the sweat of her brow, poor thing. And when does he have time to recover? I am, of course, Baba Yaga, not everyone will come to me. My statistics show that on my network, once every four months I catch from the site someone whose soul I cleanse through my oven. Well, that’s why I’m Baba Yaga. I’m looking at what else our top 10 are up to. Perhaps some interesting articles, or perhaps someone who shared their experience. There are, there are beautiful girls among them, and our masters who write, and write interestingly... There are people I can grow up with, and people I admire! But there are also those from the neighboring state, the “Internet”, which is called, posting articles. But what can’t you do to be at the top? Everyone lies... And it’s difficult to come up with something new. For our ancestors of psychology had already invented all the “wheels” before us. When your humble Baba Yaga registered, she made a vow to herself: only for real clients who came from the site to thank. And, if I can, I will write, but only my own. So, I keep my lunch to this day. Several years have passed. In your “forest”, for some an owl, for others an aunt, for others a Baba Yaga, but in demand. And I no longer need an influx from outside. But when I go to the site, I ask myself, consciously, “What makes you come here?” And, honestly, I answer myself, “My top 20.” Somewhere that vanity is still playing. I am in personal therapy and I know where this is coming from and what to do about it. But what is important to me is that I am honest with myself, with the clients who visit the site. But to what extent can those who are already dishonest here on the site go? Are they really helping? And can those who deceive provide this help? Perhaps I am wrong. And someone, in my forest, will dissuade me... “It is better to be simple and honest than smart and deceitful” Sophocles
