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From the author: The article is taken from my textbook “Legal Psychology for Investigators”: M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2007. Representative of early positivism, Italian forensic psychiatrist and criminologist Cesare Lombroso (1835- 1909) substantiated the connection between the anatomical structure of the human body and criminal behavior. In the scientific work “Criminal Man, Studied on the Basis of Anthropology, Forensic Medicine and Prison Science,” published in 1876, he compared the physiological properties of prisoners and law-abiding citizens; connected the predisposition to various kinds of deviations depending on heredity; introduced the concept of “congenital criminal” (homo delingues), which can be identified by a number of characteristics, including, in particular, a massive, protruding lower jaw, a flattened nose, a sparse beard, attached earlobes, a low forehead and a Mongoloid shape of the eyes. Ch. Lombroso identified four types of criminals: 1) congenital criminals; 2) criminals of passion; 3) accidental criminals; 4) mentally ill criminals. His book “L`Uomo Delinguente” went through several editions (1876, 1897). While the original version of Lombroso's theory stated that all criminals fit the described physical dimensions and psychological characteristics, he later, perhaps taking into account criticism, concluded that only 30% of criminals could be considered natural-born criminals. The remainder include a wide variety of criminal types. Lombroso also noted that environmental factors are of great importance in the development of certain types of behavior. According to the theory of C. Lombroso, a criminal, due to his natural characteristics, cannot be corrected. As a means of fighting crime, he proposed isolating the owner of criminal qualities from society. Despite the furore that his theory created, it, like any progressive idea, was criticized by his contemporaries. Considering it from the perspective of new knowledge in the field of criminology and legal psychology, it is necessary to note the lack of consideration of social factors, which are among the fundamental ones in the formation of deviant behavior. Online training, training in Moscow, Krasnogorsk “How to make a correct remark in order to change a person’s behavior” https://www.b17.ru/trainings/kak_pravilno_sdelat_zamechanie_chtobi_izmenit_povedenie_cheloveka/ You can sign up for a consultation and training by calling 8-965-177-92-43, whatsapp 8-977-121-47-10, personal page b17 https:// www.b17.ru/bondarenko-ta/
