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Most often, people who have experienced an anxiety attack or a panic attack identify it for themselves in all its negative aspects and wish to prevent it in every way, for example, by avoiding situations in which it could occur. And such behavior, in the short term, can reduce the level of anxiety, BUT! in the long term, this type of behavior only creates an anxiety disorder. This type of behavior is called protective. Types of protective behavior in panic disorder: Avoidance of any mental stimulation. Excluding coffee and tea from your diet (as central nervous system stimulants), as well as avoiding films containing a frightening context - horror, thrillers, etc. Avoiding similar circumstances. For example, if a panic attack occurs in the heat, then the person will subsequently avoid stuffy rooms or rooms that are difficult to leave quickly. Avoidance of physical activity. Most often, this is associated with the idea that the heart may not be able to withstand it; there are situations when, due to such beliefs, people avoid playing sports, just walking, and even having sex. Avoiding thoughts with the help of distraction. Suppressing the development of an attack, people try to shift their attention to the colors in the room, count the number of objects, try to remember something from the past, etc. The most interesting thing is that some psychologists give recommendations, but they are fundamentally wrong, and are most likely due to a lack of information among specialists. Avoiding anxiety with the help of psychoactive substances. This includes alcohol, drugs and tranquilizers. Avoidance through superstition (typical of OCD). A person can create a feeling of security by picking up a phone, an amulet, cigarettes, etc. The essence of any anxiety disorder is that it is difficult for a person to compare his own resources with possible danger. And it is precisely protective behavior that hinders this. When a person begins to understand that he is coping with the situation, the level of anxiety drops, if on the contrary, it increases... In the process of psychotherapy for anxiety disorder, the main task is to develop skills and experience in a person that show the reality, and not the catastrophic nature of the situation. Avoidance, in turn, prevents this.
