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Recently, many families have been debating: who is right and who is wrong. These disputes develop into conflicts. Sometimes loved ones stop communicating with each other and break off relationships. What should I do if my loved one doesn’t think like me? ⁃ another person has the right to think as he wants, you will not change him until he wants to. It's useless to convince. “I give him black, he gives me white.” Another person really sees the world differently. This applies, for example, to issues of raising a child. Mom believes that the child needs developmental activities/clubs, and dad believes that there is no need to take away the child’s childhood: let him beat nettles with a stick. And it’s good if the parents still agree. If they have the strength, patience, and wisdom to hear the other. What should I do if a point of view is imposed on me, but I don’t want to listen to it, but I don’t want to break off the relationship? ⁃ In this case, remember phrases that will help you diplomatically end a conversation with your loved ones without getting personal: *I see that you and I have different points of view. Now we would rather quarrel than come to an agreement. Let's pause our conversation; *I hear you, although I don't agree with you. It doesn't change my feelings for you. You are still dear to me; *let's come to the conclusion that we have different opinions. This is already progress; *I don’t want to lose my relationship with you. I hope this is not a reason to end our relationship. What do you think? *You and I are different and can think differently and that’s normal. These phrases will help you not to fight with your loved ones, but to start negotiating. Even though you may not find a general solution right away. At the same time, you will already begin to see and hear each other, noticing that you are different. I liked the idea about this! The task of conversation is not to convince the other, but to tell your point of view, to hear, to understand him. Maybe you will change your mind, maybe your interlocutor. Or maybe everyone will remain with their own opinion. And that's okay too. In the end, any shocks end, and the bottom line is that our relationships with loved ones last for the rest of our lives. Which warm us, help us get through difficult times, and give meaning to our existence. Otherwise, why are such relationships necessary?...Sometimes disagreements are a good reason to stop communicating with someone if you have wanted to for a long time. And that's okay too.
