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Research and training center for psychology "Childhood & World" Author of the article: Chitchyan Tatevik LevonovnaApocolapsistic introduction and conclusion. World wars and psychoanalysis. Chitchyan Tatevik LevonovnaCh 690 Psychoanalysis: Psychoanalytic apocalypse I concept / T. L. Chitchyan.- Er.: “Childhood & World” International Educational & Research Project on Psychology, 2022.-... p. UDC 159.964.2BBK 88.3 ISBN 978-9939-9287-3-9 © “Childhood & World” International Educational & Research Project on Psychology, 2022 Apokolapsichny introduction World wars and psychoanalysis. After the Second World War, the topic of psychoanalysis was supplanted and psychiatry played its royal role in research. Games and the functioning of perception were mainly studied and the topics of schizophrenia were discussed, and not the entire topic of psychosis, which was referred to by S. Freud, his colleagues and like-minded people. And because for the great interest in psychoanalytic theory, a lot of scientific research was carried out on the topic of the human psyche and a special interest was in expanding the psychoanalytic theory of S. Freud with scientific facts and proving the existence of the mental part and giving it a scientific definition, despite the fact that it is already a theory conveys in detail what is connected to what and how one affects the other. The same topic remained the question for discussion. What is the psyche, how does it function and affect the human body and brain? In the course of research, doctors and researchers denied the existence of the concept of the unconscious, saying that this concept is not very easy to prove with facts and research was carried out in the field of morphology and morphological disorders and distortions, that is, they studied the brain. But there is one question about when a person says that he did something unconsciously, and not consciously what does he mean? That is, the concept of unconsciousness exists and people use it in their speech, hoping that they will be understood consciously, but at the same time, it’s a brake, since the concept of the unconscious exists, but somehow not in the right way, or does not exist at all? This is where there was a new impetus for researchers of psychoanalytic theory and his like-minded people. And, thus, psychotherapy entered the field of medicine as a separate scientific branch which had the authoritarian right to discuss and solve mental and psychological problems and issues, and psychological services in particular psychoanalysis were in the dark and were waiting for new opportunities to prove their importance as a separate science and their right to exist. Until now, in most cases, so that the process of development of psychoanalytic theory does not stop, all like-minded people and supportive communities of S. Freud create different camps. The principle is the same, to create different psychotherapeutic and psychoanalytic accompanying communities. And the idea is to provide psycho-restorative assistance to all people suffering from various mental disorders in every possible way. The goal is also not to stop the development of psychoanalytic theory and to conduct new research into the structure of the individual’s psyche and its secrets of interactions. Once S. Freud thought about what a woman wants. The same question turned towards him. Everyone asked him what he wanted. The reason is mainly that after the World War, most people underwent medical training and retraining in order to provide first aid to all victims. And so, a psychiatrist became the most fashionable specialty, and very few people were engaged in psychoanalysis and the reason for this was the fact that psychiatric hospitals were intensively built and inpatient jobs were created - for professionals in the field of mental health and the profession of psychiatrist was considered a fashionable and reputable specialty. In addition, the treatment was free, but sessions with psychoanalysts were very expensive -compared to the fact that in psychiatric hospitals the provision of psychiatric services was free, but they were treated, which was not very important and uncertain. The problem is that most people suffered from various mental and psychological disorders - in particular suicidal, post-traumatic stress disorders, etc. including suffering from sclerosis, which provoked deformation of the spine and spinal cord, that is, psychomotor inhibition, disorders and diseases of mental functions - in parallel developing scoliosis (memory loss, and in general this is dementia, since dementia means (De/disablement, men/human tion/action action) and this is a combination of several diseases, that is, a nosology, since dementia is an autoimmune disease of brain functions when the usual mode of perception is turned off and inhibited - in particular, its functioning normally and according to age-related patterns. And this, in general, is possible considered an autoimmune nosology, the cause of which is the lack of coordination as a mental function and the loss of the ability to remember and use self-preservation skills. Conclusion: In conclusion, I would like to add that in the last century the community of psychoanalysts set themselves the task of helping society so that they could easily use their biological freedom. Some studies have shown that people are ashamed of their essence and have difficulty using their freedom, and this has a particularly detrimental effect on their sexual sphere. This is the principle of bipolarity, “either have the freedom to do nothing and be introverted” - from shame, or to have freedom and do everything, but hide everything brutally and out of shame. And thus, both options emphasize the principle of living without freedom and not having freedom, but not using it out of shame. Life is free, but fail to satisfy your needs. Basically the problem is in the area of ​​sexual desires and relationships, but people find it difficult to understand that sex is created to be used for good and is considered an everyday integral part of a person’s vitality. The task of a psychoanalyst at first glance seems easy, but is it so? The task of psychoanalysis is to convey and help the patient independently assimilate the principle of self-restoration of his personality (that is, the Self concept), which was lost in distant childhood and in temporary labyrinths, or repressed into the devil (attic) - in the deep unconscious. Metaphorical disclosure of the Self concept means “I Am”, which means “I am I that is”, “I am my personality”, “I am my personality”. By maintaining the principle of safety and security of the Self concept, its autonomy and independence, a person no longer needs other people's qualities, abilities and properties in order to achieve personal development, well-being and abundance, since in his concept the Self already has everything in order to achieve success, and if something is missing, then it is simply possible, without stealing from others, add and collect the missing parts. You just need to really want to have qualities that can help achieve what you want, and basically, terminal and instrumental values ​​and a well-established value hierarchy will help with this, which will not provoke emotional instability and will not cause psychosis, because with decoordination and instability of thinking, emotions and behavior, the hatch of the unconscious opens and psychosis is activated. The metaphor of abundance also says that for every person there is everything, and this is all his own personality and personal qualities that will help him achieve the desired result. All philosophical treatises, including the Bible, refer to the importance of the correct use of the “I concept”, that is, “I am” in one’s life path, and this suggests the preservation and usefulness of personal gestalt, as a separate and autonomous operating system. Another question is to be able, if possible, to use synchronization with other gestalts as a sphere of interactions and relationships, but at the same time.
