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Aquarius is the second law of the universe that a person needs to live after birth on Earth. The law of awareness of duality, that you are not alone, that there is another. There is also a mirror in which I see myself. There are other people - mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, nanny. There are other children sitting in the sandbox, who for some reason don’t do what I want, for some reason don’t understand me, what I want. The first conscious socialization, division into I am and I seem. The choice between these states occurs at this age. To be or to seem. To be able to do something from the inside or to hide aggression inside, to do good things in front of adults, but bad things without them. The ability to “mirror” and show others their strengths and weaknesses. The law of friendship, the law of traveling along the River of Time. According to the law of Aquarius, you need to learn to understand your actions, the reactions of other people, the first skills of communication abilities. Be able to see which actions lead to conflicts, pain, tears, and which bring good feelings. The “Mirror” stage, when you, like the little Raccoon from the famous cartoon, begin to see the world as terrible and aggressive towards you, because you hit it, break it, bite it, or friendly, joyful, open, because you are happy with it, smile, and can interact with the world without hurting it. Aquarius is a symbol of its two waves, which mean: the wave of Living and Dead Water. Depending on how adults and parents tune the child, he connects to one wave or another. And thus, from the water quality selected by co-setting, it then interacts with other people. Or it constantly pours Dead Water on the relationship, which leads to closedness, isolation, complaints, conflicts, sneaking, behavior to harm, destroy, take away, grab, steal something on the sly, take revenge. Or it waters its relationships with any people with Living Water - when there is trust and openness, exchange and mutual assistance. For example, if a child is raised by one grandmother, then at this stage he will mirror her behavior, her views on life, her groans and illnesses, her weakness and irritation to something new, fast and noisy. What will you have to work with later in order to get out of granny’s fears and attitudes? It may be difficult for a grandmother to run around with a baby, go outside, draw, play with toys, or make noise with him. She asks the baby for peace, tries to demotivate him from wanting to go for a walk, talks about how scary it is there, what terrible uncles and aunts are walking around outside, police officers, doctors, and in general. How nice it is to sit in silence and solitude. Stay at home, there are toys here. A child may develop an attachment to one particular toy, to which he tells everything, with which he does as he wants. In adulthood, such a child cannot build relationships; he does not have the skills developed in childhood. He begins to build a relationship like with his grandmother, when she does something around the house, and the most important thing for him is not to disturb her, to sit quietly and not stick his head out. But, for some reason, he receives a response to such behavior from a person living nearby - be it a student dormitory or a relationship with the opposite sex. This reaction is not usual. You are suddenly asked to do something, they blame you for not helping, that you could have done a lot on your own. The result is misunderstanding, quarrels and resentment. He can leave another like a toy for some time, without even noticing that he has not communicated for a long time. Only because his toy didn’t cry and didn’t demand attention. He has not learned to expect calls for attention and communication from the other. He has developed skills - when he wants, then I can make friends. Necessary socialization at this stage, access to the playground, or to a kindergarten, the opportunity to learn to be among peers. Learn to make friends, play, create. It is real to be, but to be in fantasy. Raising one mother also leads to the fact that the child always sees a stronger figure in another, in comparison with which he is always helpless and dependent. among peers, he may feel more501001
