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“Bad habits are easy to acquire, but living with them is difficult. Good habits are more difficult to acquire, but they are easier to live with” (B. Tracy) This article is part of a chapter from my book on goals, which I am currently writing. The book has the usual title “7 steps to achieving goals: How to do what you have long dreamed of.” Why do I start a book about goals with a chapter on habits? This chapter is incredibly important for you to achieve your goals. According to research, we perform 90% of actions out of habit. Habits are what accompanies our every day from dawn to dusk. This is what we become overgrown with, like the keel of a ship with shells, from the first year of our life. First they are formed by our parents, then by society: kindergarten, school, college, work. Then your environment: friends, colleagues, your own family, your partner... And one way or another, by the age of 16-18 we come with a certain set of habits, both successful and unsuccessful. And since we are talking about goals and their achievement, then unsuccessful habits are precisely obstacles to achieving our goals. Isaac Pintosevich in his book “Good Habits in 30 Days” says that you cannot simply get rid of a bad habit. We need to replace it with a good one. I absolutely agree with him. Therefore, I’m telling you what good habits I acquired instead of bad ones, and how they subsequently helped me achieve my goals... The first habit I acquired was proper nutrition and constant physical activity (instead of poor nutrition and low physical activity) At the age of 14, during a medical examination at school, I was found to have an enlarged thyroid gland without dysfunction. And at the appointment, the doctor recommended losing 3-5 kg. This was the starting point of my “Slim Forever” journey. I’ll say right away that it was difficult to convince my parents that I now eat differently. I don’t eat fried pies or sweet buns. I constantly struggled with temptation, since it was only me who changed my eating habits, and my family did not support me. I did not become “90-60-90”, but today, at almost 47 years old, I have a beautiful so-called “hourglass” figure, I am energetic and cheerful. And maintaining this healthy habit continues to this day. The second habit that I acquired is the habit of loving my job (I don’t like the word WORK) and doing it well (instead of the habit of “just going” to work, because everyone goes there) So, truly loving and doing your job well I started working only with the opening of my business. And this love-habit only grows stronger every day. Even on Sunday afternoons, I usually devote 2-3 hours to my work, and sometimes more. And this is another useful “habit within a habit” As well as other, less noticeable, but also very important habits that help achieve my goals: - I get up and go to bed at the same time (I won’t hide it, sometimes I break this routine on weekends ) - every 50-60 minutes of working at the computer I take short breaks of 3-5 minutes, which allows me not to get tired and be productive throughout the working day - I set aside 10 - 20% of my income monthly (even if it is insignificant), which allows me to I need to have some savings and a feeling of safety and security - I study English every day from 10 to 30 minutes - I drink a glass of water every 2 hours - every morning I do “yogic” exercises for 10-20 minutes and a contrast shower (surprisingly invigorating!!) - 1 - 2 times a week I take long 40-60 minute walks in the forest (in winter, skiing or skating) - every Thursday I go to the bathhouse - since 2008 I have lived by time management, I plan personal and professional for the year ahead - I make notes of the main thoughts I read professional books And now PRACTICE! Analyze your habits. Maybe among them there are some that interfere with the achievement of your goal? Check yourself against the proposed list or make your own List of bad habits that interfere with your life and in achieving your goals: – the habit of being late for meetings; - habit of forgetting someone's name after a minute
