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Getting rid of negative attitudes. Fairytale therapy. Each of us has some false beliefs and values ​​that prevent us from living in harmony with ourselves and the world. Because of them, we cannot make the right decisions, we cannot understand something or someone, or accept any situation. Today you will have a great opportunity to get rid of this unpleasant burden. Let's open the door to our fairyland! Today we are going to three waterfalls: the Falls of Truth, the Falls of Forgiveness and the Falls of Wisdom. We open the door to a fairyland and meet our Guide of Truth, he will take us to the Falls of Truth. See who is your Guide of Truth? What does he look like? Are you ready with communicate with him? You may have questions for your Guide, ask them. Listen to the answer. Give thanks! And so, you are going to the Falls of Truth. What kind of road do you have? A narrow path? A country road? An expressway? Do you meet anyone on the way? Write down your impressions so as not to keep them in your head. You have come to the Falls of Truth. Go under the waterfall and imagine that the streams of the waterfall of Truth are washing your body, emotions, mind, intuition, taking with them everything superficial, unnecessary and false. You now understand the truth of everything that is happening to you. And you come out from under the waterfall of Truth. How do you feel now? How does your body feel? What emotions are you experiencing? What thoughts are visiting you now? What is your intuition telling you? Give thanks to the Falls of Truth and see that your next guide is already waiting for you. This is a conductor of Forgiveness. Often our false beliefs and values ​​arise from the fact that we cannot forgive someone or come to terms with something unpleasant to us. This position drives us into a dead end, and sometimes the way out of this dead end is very painful. Look who is your guide to Forgiveness? What does he look like? Are you ready to communicate with him? You may have questions for your Guide, ask them. Listen to the answer. Give thanks! And so, you are going to the Forgiveness Falls. What kind of road do you have? A narrow path? A country road? An expressway? Do you meet anyone on the way? Write down your impressions so as not to keep them in your head. You have come to the Forgiveness Falls. Go under the waterfall and imagine that the streams of the Waterfall of Forgiveness wash your body, emotions, mind, intuition, taking with them everything superficial, unnecessary and false. You now forgive everyone, including yourself, for all sins known and unknown to you. And you emerge from under the Waterfall of Forgiveness. How do you feel now? How does your body feel? What emotions are you experiencing? What thoughts are visiting you now? What does your intuition tell you? Thank the Waterfall of Forgiveness and see that the next guide is already waiting for you . This is the conductor of Wisdom. We often forget about the existence of wisdom. It happens that we make some important decisions in a hurry and then we have to regret them. Look, who is your guide of Wisdom? What does he look like? Are you ready to communicate with him? You may have questions for your Guide, ask them. Listen to the answer. Give thanks! And so, you go to the Falls of Wisdom. What kind of road do you have? A narrow path? A country road? An expressway? Do you meet anyone on the way? Write down your impressions so as not to keep them in your head. You have come to the Falls of Wisdom. Go under the waterfall and imagine that the streams of the Waterfall of Forgiveness wash your body, emotions, mind, intuition, filling you with Wisdom. You now take your time in making decisions, both large and small, but make them thoughtfully. And you emerge from under the waterfall of Wisdom. How do you feel now? How does your body feel? What emotions are you experiencing? What thoughts are visiting you now? What is your intuition telling you? Thank the fairyland for the wonderful opportunities that it has opened up for you . And now, when you have to make a decision, mentally stand under the waterfall of Wisdom and it will not allow you to make a mistake. Back to the real world. Good practice!
