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From the author: You won’t read such an advertisement in newspapers, but in fact many are ready to write it. Every now and then you hear from people: “I don’t want anything, I don’t have the strength, I’m not in the mood.” I suggest not waiting for someone to return it to you. Just a few steps and you will find it yourself! But first, let's figure out what we are looking for? Mood: what is it and what does it consist of? Firstly, this is the emotional background of our life and therefore deserves a lot of attention, because in many ways it determines whether we will be happy with it (life) or not. Secondly, and very importantly, mood is a state that significantly determines effectiveness our activities. When it’s bad, everything just falls out of your hands, and when it’s good, the work is on fire in your hands, things are going smoothly. “Mood is important, mood is needed” is an irrefutable fact! Mood depends simultaneously on our internal state, as well as on external circumstances. There is a certain list of life situations when there is really no time for joy, then other emotions and feelings are natural and appropriate. But today is not about that... Today we will talk about the normal course of life: family, work, friends... Many examples from life: when a person is positive, even big difficulties are perceived easier and overcome faster, when in a negative way - and at a humorous concert, except evil irony, you won’t hear anything from him. Let’s go in search of mood? Step No. 1: body culture So what does joy, lightness and elation blossom on?! I’m not afraid to be unoriginal and say: first of all, this is physical well-being, the main components of which are correct nutrition, work and rest schedule, adequate sleep, timely medical examination and treatment, optimal physical activity, sexual satisfaction. “This is a luxury!” - many will say. No - it’s just a foundation on which, as you know, it depends on how long the house “will stand.” In this case – YOU! Buy a house without a foundation? No. Then the question is – what are you doing to yourself!? The body is not a box for storing internal organs! You need to take care of him! For body culture!!! So, the first step is a balanced diet, rest, physical activity, great sex! Step No. 2: culture of emotions We’ve decided on the foundation, but what next? And then – the culture of dealing with your emotions. Unfortunately, “our people” sometimes even lack basic literacy in this matter: it is difficult to name the main, basic emotions. According to the most general and simple scheme, these include: joy, sadness, fear, anger. It is important that the division into “good and bad” emotions is very conditional. Think for yourself, since all of them have “survived” to this day, that means they matter to humans. Sadness, fear and anger arise more easily, “last” longer, and their intensity does not subside quickly precisely because they are important for the survival of humans as a biological species. Nature protects us - no more, no less! So-called positive emotions (joy, pleasure) do not play such an important biological role. They are simply a signal that the need has been satisfied. They fade quickly, sensitivity to stimulus decreases (try eating your favorite ice cream every day - its taste will excite you only at first). Accordingly, you must remember that sadness, fear and anger are “stronger” in their potential than positive emotions and you need to be able to control them, not let yourself be captured “for a long time and seriously”! Suppressing these emotions is the worst option - they will accumulate and rush ten times stronger. Successful options are mastering various self-regulation techniques. Today there are many of them described: for different types of people, for different occasions. I’ll give you a few: from time to time, throw out the emotions of anger during intense physical activity, watch a sad movie and cry as if over someone else’s grief, talk to close, understanding people or call a helpline with a psychologist. But that's only half the battle! As scientists have found, the absence of “negative” emotions is not a guarantee
