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What is happening in our raging world? It is impossible not to recognize the increased complexity of the cultural and social structures in which our lives now take place, as well as the presence of strong influences that weaken and, at times, destroy the family as the primary structure that satisfies the emotional needs of the child. Under the pressure of uncertainty in the future, under the pressure of obsessively informing and entertaining media of mass communication, under the burden of artificially growing needs, the modern mother feels involved in some kind of struggle and is often on the verge of crisis, trying not to succumb to hopelessness. The world around her is contradictory and full of conflicts. Her sensitivity is dulled, and this is natural when on the television screen every few seconds messages about the horrors of the next war are replaced by sweetly cheerful advertising. Mom tries to read more to get the recommendations she needs, but the recommendations are contradictory. Meanwhile, irritation reaches the point where there is simply no strength for anything. Her home is filled with gadgets that allow her to complete any job with ease. But what she really needs is a means of bringing order to chaos, a means that would help separate the important from the secondary and ultimately find a realistic answer to the burning question: “How to raise children correctly?” What do most parents do? Most parents intuitively feel that without changing ourselves, it is difficult to change a child’s behavior, but not knowing what can be done, or not wanting to take part in this, they tend to take the child to specialists if they have the means. Many others prefer to get rid of the problems of upbringing by considering their family situation like a Pandora's box, which is better not to open. Some read fashionable books, look through the relevant sections in newspapers, they pursue a policy of “tolerance” in the hope that the “adolescence” will pass, while relying on the dubious idea that indulgence is not a bad thing. Some -who are struggling through the jungle of pedagogical problems with weak support: “At least I’m older and therefore I know better.” Some use their parental advantage quite harshly, “raising” children with shouts and kicks. Questions remain unanswered, and while the child is small, few parents think that the hour of reckoning comes around adolescence, when “he becomes stronger than me.” And this is a disaster for parents and children. It doesn't have to be this way. So where do we start? -And we start with ourselves! The best way to help children is to help their parents. Just because parents don't like the way their children behave does not mean that only the children need to change. If you have a difficult child, then he will not get better because he will be dragged from specialist to specialist, without changing anything in the home environment. Of course, there are many professional parenting experts, including child psychologists, who provide behavior modification. When bringing a child to a psychologist, they want to “remake” him or “do him again.” However, if the remodeling does not concern the parents, then all these efforts are a waste of time and money. Where to start for those who are preparing to become parents? Existing programs for expectant parents and practices of working with parents usually include instructions on how to behave during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as information on caring for a newborn. Often, various books and films are also drawn to, depicting an idyllic life with a newborn baby. However, the relationship between husband and wife who have become or are about to become father and mother is almost never seriously examined. If there are any psychological difficulties in the family, the birth of a baby, of course, can reduce their importance, since the child is most important. However, without being resolved, these problems continue to be a source of complications for both mother and father in the very first months of life.
