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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert of television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, NLP master, best master, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. The author of more than 100 training programs, as you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube and typing “Afanasyeva Lilia On the one hand, this girl’s statement may seem somehow strange. But, on the other hand, since she voiced it, then somewhere there is some truth in this confusion. And despite the certain absurdity of this statement, it is still worth examining it in more detail, and further, completely eliminating it from the life of my client from Moscow. Moreover, this was also present. and was the basis of her sexual female problems of anorgasmia and vaginismus. When I, as a sexologist and psychologist, began to analyze problematic situations, the first story that the girl remembered was this: “in kindergarten, the boys and I go to the same toilet. convenient.” Then I remembered another story that somehow correlates with the first. My mother often said to her daughter: “It’s a shame to behave like this, you’re a girl...” From here, I, like many of the sexologists, psychotherapists and family psychologists, had to sort it out. this bunch. Now the client has realized that she has already grown up and can behave freely. And being a woman is a rather pleasant activity, but, unfortunately, she hasn’t become one yet. And we continued our psychotherapy on her sexual female problems of anorgasmia and vaginismus. Next, we reached the second memory, when the client got her period. It was, as always in such cases, unexpected. She was embarrassed to voice this to her mother, and the theme of dissatisfaction associated with the fact that she was a woman appeared here too. I, as a sex psychologist, also corrected this story. And the girl grew even more psychologically, and began to move away from the girl’s age, moving towards growing up. But another topic awaited us. And it was of a slightly different nature, and came in as a kind of contradiction to the stated problematic state of the client. When the girl grew up, she began to complain that she had small breasts. At that time, the client developed a complex about this, and she was worried for a long time. Now I, as a sexologist and psychologist, have moved her towards accepting herself as a woman. And the client remembered a mother who had a similar situation, but when she gave birth, her breast size became third, and remained the same. Next memory: when a girl had vaginal itching as a teenager, she had to go to the gynecologist. The client experienced mixed feelings: pain, shame, inconvenience. All of us, experienced sexologists, psychotherapists, and family psychologists who practice on female sexual problems of anorgasmia or vaginismus, know that often such cases can interfere with vaginal intercourse. And we eliminated the negative experience in terms of interaction with the gynecologist. At the end of this psychotherapeutic hour, we worked on the topic: “it’s too early for you to love, you’re still small.” This is what the mother told the client when she admitted to her that she was in love with the boy. It is worth noting that this is really difficult, especially for a child, when your parents do not support you, do not share your problematic state, and, as they say, cut everything off at the root. Now, as a sexologist and psychologist, I have removed the ban on love from my client, and then on sex. Because it unconsciously followed: it’s too early to love, and, accordingly, it’s too early to have sex. Hence anorgasmia, frigidity and vaginismus. I note that the client is not simple, although it works.
