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With the advent of the era of digital technology and social networks, teenagers around the world began to face a new type of problems. The feeling of constant connection and accessibility, the flow of endless information and the desire for ideals created by the Internet leave their mark on the psychological state of the younger generation. Social media and teen anxiety are two topics that seem to be becoming more and more intertwined. First, let's talk about the nature of anxiety. This is a feeling that a person may have in response to real or imagined threats. To a certain extent, anxiety is a normal reaction of our body. It can motivate us to take action when we feel threatened or uncertain. However, when anxiety becomes a constant companion, it can seriously affect the quality of life. So what is going on in the world of social media that is causing increased anxiety in teenagers? Perhaps the reason lies in the very structure of this space: Comparison with others. Social media is a platform where people often present the best version of their lives, which can give teens the illusion that their peers are living better, more successful, and happier lives. Such comparison can affect self-esteem and cause feelings of inferiority. A feeling of constant control. Teens may feel like they are constantly being judged and every photo, post, or comment is subject to public judgment. This creates additional stress and fear of criticism. Isolation. Despite the apparent socialization on the Internet, many teenagers feel loneliness. Online communication cannot completely replace real human contacts, warmth and intimacy. But how can we break this vicious circle? The distinction between the real and the virtual. It is very important to teach teenagers the difference between real life and what they see on the Internet. Dialogue, discussion of stories from social networks and analysis of the motives of publications can help develop critical thinking. Limiting time online. It is necessary to find a middle ground in the use of social networks. In addition to digital relaxation, it is important to devote time to other interests: books, walks, sports. Working with anxiety. If your teen is suffering from high levels of anxiety, it may be worth seeing a professional. Therapy can help you understand the causes of anxiety and find ways to overcome it. Remember that behind every screen is a living person with his own experiences and feelings. Social networks are just a tool, and it is up to us how we use it. Don't let virtual reality control your emotions and sense of self. Let it become only an addition to a real, bright and eventful life. Psychological counseling Sergey Popov - https://www.b17.ru/popov_sergey Sign up for a consultation WhatsApp Telegram
