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One of the most important concepts now is adaptability. What does this mean? When did they start talking about this? Firstly, this concept can describe a person’s ability to adapt to changes, learn, quickly master something new, develop, switch. It seems to me that this is one of the main Soft Skills. This is how such abilities are now designated. Although this concept also applies to professional skills. Agree that a taxi driver probably shouldn’t go into a stupor and not go to work if he is told that instead of Solaris, tomorrow he will have a Rapid on his flight. They have been talking about adaptability for a long time. And here’s how one of the most important qualities began to be indicated in the strange and contradictory times of the pandemic. In 2020, many recognized adaptability as one of the key competencies. This February, it became almost clear that the ability to adapt to circumstances and adapt has become a condition for survival. Today, in life and in business, those who are able to quickly change their plans and behavior in accordance with the situation, maintaining the integrity of the individual, stand on their feet. This is an important point - to change plans, maybe even some established rules, but, at the same time, in no case change the fundamental concepts: commitment, openness and honesty, firmness to one’s word. The one who knows how to quickly switch between tasks, anticipate and accept changes. Who is ready to look for the right solutions in the new reality instead of remembering how good it was before. What is also important is that adaptive people are more emotionally stable and experience less stress in conditions of uncertainty, which almost everyone is now faced with. So, in my opinion, today it is worth both assessing this quality in candidates and developing it in employees. There is no other way. I have tests in my arsenal to assess such qualities. There is a test to assess the ability to quickly adapt and methods for stress resistance and noise immunity in so-called situations. multitasking. – they measure the flexibility and plasticity of the nervous system under overload and predict adaptability. There are other advanced tests to assess the personal qualities of employees, their management potential, motivation and intelligence. Read more on VK here: https://vk.com/club211990384
