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Recently, from some colleagues, I have increasingly heard disparaging statements about online consulting (Skype consulting). Meanwhile, in my firm conviction, this is a real “gold mine” for a modern practicing psychologist. As proof, I present to you 7 strategic benefits for a consultant who has finally gone online: 1). No rent or transportation costs – by consulting online, you can exclude the amount you pay for renting an office from your expenses. This will be especially beneficial for those who give a certain amount of money for each hour (or evening) spent in the premises or a percentage of each accepted client. In addition, you can eliminate transportation costs: money (travel, gasoline), and most importantly time (long waits in pointless traffic jams). But with the hours saved, you can conduct several more online consultations.2). 1000 times more clients - the entire Russian-speaking world - hundreds of millions of people will become your potential clients. What if, for example, you are consulting in a village with only 5-7 thousand inhabitants?..3). Safe - often those who need psychiatric support come to a psychologist. Some of them – quiet and calm ones – are best redirected to a familiar specialist of the appropriate profile. The rest - violent and aggressive - must be quickly and gently escorted out of your work space. If you consult on the Internet, then doing this is as easy as shelling pears.4). Always in touch - unlike the face-to-face format, you can consult almost around the clock, 365 days a year. Bad “non-flying” weather will not interfere with your earnings. If you or your client leaves temporarily or permanently for another city or another country, then counseling still continues.5). Use any methods - almost any psychological problems can be solved quickly and effectively online. In my experience, if a certain method doesn't work with a certain client online, it won't work in person. Those. the success of a specific psychotechnic when counseling a specific person does not depend in any way on whether this happens in the office or over the Internet.6). Downshifting - a successful online consultant can easily afford to live happily and at the same time earn enough money while lying in a hammock on a tropical island under a coconut tree. Not two weeks, but two months or two years.7). Webinars – online you can not only consult, but also conduct seminars (webinars). There can be 10 or 100 times more participants than in a live training, and your income will increase in the same proportion. Note: The author is aware that the online consultation format is not ideal. And in no case does he call for giving up full-time practice. Moreover, he is deeply convinced that any psychologist, in order to maintain and improve his counseling skills, needs to regularly work live. Have I missed any benefits? Add me in the comments! Tell me about your online counseling experience! Your Skype Coach, Oleg Kolmychok. This article sincerely echoes: 66.6 reasons to run in horror from your center and office (Urgently check where you have already screwed up!) We are a placebo: how psychologists actually help. 7 low truths...VIP-Environment: how to quickly conquer the world with the help of 12 super-allies A GUIDE TO MY ARTICLES AND NOTES PS Each of your thanks inspires me to write new - even more interesting and useful articles! Thank you very much for your support!!!
