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Working at school, I receive various requests from teachers, parents and children. Requests by topic are completely different. But today I would like to highlight one of the frequent requests from children: bullying by classmates or bullying. Bullying is bullying, the deliberate, systematic and aggressive persecution of one person by another person or group of people. The reasons for bullying are completely different: a unique appearance, a new face in the class, isolation, untidiness, and being different from other people. Types of manifestations of bullying: Physical It manifests itself as beatings, sometimes even intentional self-harm. Behavioral Boycott, gossip, ignoring, creating intrigue, creating small troubles (hiding notebooks, briefcases). Verbal aggression Manifests itself in the form of insults, jabs, shouting, constant ridicule. Cyberbullying Bullying with using social networks, for example, posting photos and videos defaming a child. And one type of bullying that few people talk about is bullying by a teacher. The reasons for its occurrence are also different, mainly the personal characteristics of the teacher. Any type of bullying is always very painful for the child himself. The child cannot cope with it on his own! It will not be possible to cope without the help of an adult! Signs by which you can understand that a child is facing bullying: categorically does not want to go to school, cannot explain the reason. When asked about friends, he always answers evasively and sadly. Constantly damaged things: stains on clothes, torn or painted notebooks, diaries, textbooks. I began to study poorly and lost interest in studying. Increased pain in the child - he began to get sick much more often. There were problems with sleep. Problems with appetite, increased or, conversely, decreased. Increased anxiety and irritability. What to do after you find out that a child is being bullied? Listen carefully to the child. Do not blame for the current situation! Let the child understand that you are on his side and are ready to help. Try to find out all the circumstances of the incident, do not rush to premature conclusions. Contact the class teacher, school psychologist, social teacher. Write a statement with a detailed description what is happening, with a request to understand this situation. If the school staff is trying to hush up this matter, say that you intend to contact the education department. You should not communicate and try to deal directly with the parents of the offenders, and especially with the children. Regularly find out from the child how things are going at school .Bullying is one of the big problems in modern schools; about 30% of children are bullied at school. It is important to remember: a child cannot figure it out on his own, without adults! Sign up for a consultation - whatsapp 89633165325. Consultations online, offline.
